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  » Genealogy (Ancestry) 25 Prophet
  » 25 Summary of the Prophet
  1. The Prophet Adam as
  2. The Prophet Idris as
  3. The Prophet Noah as (Nuh)
  4. The Prophet Hud as
  5. The Prophet Salih as (Saleh, Shalih, Shaleh, Sholeh)
  6. The Prophet Abraham as (Ibrahim)
  7. The Prophet Luth as
  8. The Prophet Ishmael as (Ismail)
  9. The Prophet Isaac as (Ishak, Ishaq)
10. The Prophet Jacob as (Ya'qub, Yaqub, Yakub)
11. The Prophet Joseph as (Yusuf)
12. The Prophet Shoaib as (Syu'aib, Syuaib)
13. The Prophet Ayyub as (Ayub)
14. The Prophet Dzulkifli as (Zulkifli)
15. The Prophet Moses as (Musa)
16. The Prophet Aaron as (Harun)
17. The Prophet David as (Daud, Dawud)
18. The Prophet Solomon as (Sulaiman, Sulaeman)
19. The Prophet Elijah as (Ilyas)
20. The Prophet Elisha as (Ilyasa')
21. The Prophet Jonah as (Yunus, Zunnun)
22. The Prophet Zachariah as (Zakaria, Zakariya, Zechariah)
23. The Prophet Yahya as
24. The Prophet Jesus as (Yesus, Isa)
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CHAPTER : HISTORY & STORY (25 Prophet, Nations, etc.)
Total Number of Sections : 30 sections
Total Number of Topics : 109 topics
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Sections and Topics in Chapter HISTORY :
» First human trip   ---» QS. 3:137, 3:191, 6:6, .....
» Lessons from the history of nations   ---» QS. 3:13, 6:6, 6:42, .....
» Stories of Others   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Aad (people of Prophet Hud)   ---» QS. 7:56, 7:57, 7:58, .....
Abu Lahab and his wife   ---» QS. 111:1, 111:2, 111:3, .....
Al Ashbath (descendants of Prophet Ya'qub)   ---» QS. 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, .....
Ar Rum (The Romans)   ---» QS. 30:2, 30:3, 30:4, .....
Ashabu Madyan (the Prophet Shoaib)   ---» QS. 7:85, 9:70, 11:84, .....
Ashabul Fil   ---» QS. 105:1, 105:2, 105:3, .....
Ashabul Ukhdud   ---» QS. 85:1, 85:2, 85:3, .....
Ashabur Kahfi   ---» QS. 18:9, 18:10, 18:11, .....
Ashabur Qaryah   ---» QS. 36:13
Ashabur Raqim   ---» QS. 18:9
Ashabur Rassi   ---» QS. 25:38, 50:12
Bulgis (Queen of Saba '), The Saba'   ---» QS. 27:22, 27:23, 27:24, .....
Dzul Qurnain (Zulkarnaen)   ---» QS. 18:83, 18:84, 18:85, .....
Family Imran   ---» QS. 3:33, 3:34, 3:35, .....
Luqman and wisdom   ---» QS. 31:12, 31:13, 31:16, .....
Mary (Maria, Maryam)   ---» QS. 3:36, 3:37, 3:38, .....
Of Ignorance   ---» QS. 3:154, 5:50, 6:28, .....
Pharaoh (Firaun)   ---» QS. 2:49, 2:50, 3:11, .....
Qarun   ---» QS. 28:76, 28:77, 28:78, .....
Thamud (people of Prophet Salih)   ---» QS. 7:73, 9:70, 11:61, .....
The people of Hawariyyun   ---» QS. 3:52, 5:111, 5:112, .....
The Tubba   ---» QS. 44:37, 50:14
The two sons of Adam (Cain and Abel)   ---» QS. 5:27, 5:28, 5:29, .....
Two daughters Prophet Shoaib   ---» QS. 28:23, 28:24, 28:25, .....
Wife Al'Aziz (called the king of Egypt)   ---» QS. 12:21, 12:30, 12:51
Ya'jud Ma'juj   ---» QS. 18:94, 21:96
» Stories of the Prophets and Apostles   ---» QS. 2:217, 2:218, 2:248, .....
» The Prophet Aaron as (Harun)   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Against the worship of the cow   ---» QS. 20:90
Moses was sent as a helper   ---» QS. 7:142, 20:29, 20:30, .....
The Prophet Aaron as (Harun)*   ---» QS. 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, .....
» The Prophet Abraham as (Ibrahim)   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Sarah (wife of Abraham)   ---» QS. 11:71, 51:29
The people of Abraham   ---» QS. 3:33, 4:54, 9:70, .....
The Prophet Abraham as (Ibrahim)*   ---» QS. 2:124, 2:125, 2:126, .....
» The Prophet Adam as   ---» QS. 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, .....
» The Prophet Ayyub as (Ayub)   ---» QS. 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, .....
» The Prophet David as (Daud, Dawud)   ---» QS. 2:251, 4:163, 5:78, .....
» The Prophet Dzulkifli as (Zulkifli)   ---» QS. 21:85, 38:48
» The Prophet Elijah as (Ilyas)   ---» QS. 6:85, 37:123, .....
» The Prophet Elisha as (Ilyasa)   ---» QS. 6:86, 38:48
» The Prophet Hud as   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Sent to the Oneness of God   ---» QS. 7:65, 7:11, 7:50
The 'Aad   ---» QS. 26:123, 26:124, .....
The Prophet Hud as*   ---» QS. 7:65, 7:66, 7:67, .....
Trials against   ---» QS. 29:38
» The Prophet Idris as   ---» QS. 19:56, 19:57, 21:85
» The Prophet Isaac as (Ishak, Ishaq)   ---» QS. 2:133, 2:136, 2:140, .....
» The Prophet Ismail as   ---» QS. 2:125, 2:127, 2:133, .....
» The Prophet Jacob as (Ya'qub, Yaqub, Yakub)   ---» QS. 12:6, 2:132, 2:133, .....
» The Prophet Jesus as (Isa)   ---» QS. 2:136, 3:45, 3:46, .....
» The Prophet Jonah as (Yunus)   ---» QS. 6:86, 21:87, 37:139, .....
» The Prophet Joseph as (Yusuf)   ---» QS. 6:84, 12:4, 12:5, .....
» The Prophet Luth as   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Family Luth   ---» QS. 7:80, 7:81, 11:70, .....
The Prophet Luth as*   ---» QS. 6:86, 7:80, 7:81, .....
The wife of Luth   ---» QS. 7:83, 11:81, 15:60, .....
» The Prophet Moses as (Musa)   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Ashab Safinah   ---» QS. 29:15
Mrs. Moses   ---» QS. 28:7, 28:10
The Prophet Moses   ---» QS. 2:248, 4:47, 7:148, .....
The Prophet Moses as (Musa)*   ---» QS. 2:51, 2:53, 2:54, .....
Wife of Moses   ---» QS. 28:23, 28:24, 28:25, .....
» The Prophet Muhammad saw   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Apostleship   ---» QS. 2:119, 2:129, 2:151, .....
Berqudwah him   ---» QS. 33:21
Character and nature of God's Messenger and the gift to him   ---» QS. 3:159, 4:113, 6:50, .....
Consolation and his determination   ---» QS. 3:176, 5:41, 5:48, .....
God rebuke him   ---» QS. 8:67, 8:68, 9:43, .....
God's guidance and persistence of errors   ---» QS. 2:137, 5:70, 9:74, .....
God's promise to him   ---» QS. 2:137, 5:67, 9:74, .....
Honesty impossible Apostle and he lied to God   ---» QS. 69:44, 69:45, 69:46, .....
Humble towards the believers   ---» QS. 15:88, 26:215
Isra and Mi'raj Prophet   ---» QS. 17:1, 53:5, 53:6, .....
Knowledge scribes on Muhammad   ---» QS. 2:89, 2:146, 6:20
Morals believers against   ---» QS. 24:62, 24:63, 33:53, .....
Not a poet   ---» QS. 86:69, 37:36, 37:37, .....
Personality   ---» QS. 3:159, 7:157, 7:188, .....
Pilgrimage and the position of the Emigrants   ---» QS. 2:218, 3:195, 4:89, .....
Reply people who oppose the Apostle against   ---» QS. 4:115, 8:13, 47:32, .....
Revelation   ---» QS. 4:163, 4:164, 4:165, .....
Supporting treatise   ---» QS. 2:119, 2:120, 2:151, .....
The character of his treatise   ---» QS. 2:119, 2:252, 3:79, .....
The Prophet Muhammad saw*   ---» QS. 2:23, 2:119, 3:68, .....
The testimony of the Apostle and his people against all human   ---» QS. 2:143, 4:41, 16:84, .....
The words of the people who oppose it   ---» QS. 9:61, 10:2, 11:5, .....
Virtue and specificity   ---» QS. 5:11, 8:1, 8:5, 8:6, .....
Word of God to him   ---» QS. 3:31, 3:32, 4:65, .....
» The Prophet Noah as (Nuh)   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Hurricane   ---» QS. 6:6, 7:133, 29:14
Noah's wife   ---» QS. 66:10
Prayer Noah   ---» QS. 11:45, 11:46, 71:26, .....
The Noah   ---» QS. 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, .....
The Prophet Noah as (Nuh)*   ---» QS. 3:33, 6:84, 7:59, .....
» The Prophet Salih as (Saleh, Shalih, Shaleh, Sholeh)   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
God sent him to Thamud   ---» QS. 7:73
His people-killing camels   ---» QS. 26,157, 91:14
Wrath of God for his people   ---» QS. 7:73, 7:74, 7:75, .....
» The Prophet Shoaib as (Syu'aib, Syuaib)   ---» QS. 7:85, 7:88, 7:90, .....
» The Prophet Solomon as (Sulaiman, Sulaeman)   ---» QS. 2:102, 4:163, 6:84, .....
» The Prophet Yahya as   ---» QS. 3:39, 6:85, 19:7, .....
» The Prophet Zechariah as (Zakaria, Zakariya)   ---» QS. 19:2, 19:7, 3:37, .....
» War at the time of Prophet Muhammad saw   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Bani Nadir War   ---» QS. 59:2, 59:3, 59:4, .....
Battle of Badr   ---» QS. 8:5, 8:6, 8:7, 8:8, .....
Battle of Uhud   ---» QS. 3:121, 3:122, 3:123, .....
Hunain war   ---» QS. 9:25, 9:26, 9:27
Khandak war   ---» QS. 33:9, 33:10, 33:11, .....
Opening of Makkah   ---» QS. 110:1, 110:2, 110:3
Tabuk war   ---» QS. 9:42, 9:43, 9:44, .....
War and Baiturridhwan Hudaibiyah   ---» QS. 48:1, 48:2, 48:3, .....

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There are 30 sections and  109 topics in chapter HISTORY

Tags: War and Baiturridhwan Hudaibiyah, #8782; HISTORY, STORY (25 Prophet, Nations, etc.), #8782; Holy Book Qoran Online, #8782;, Mu, #039;tafikaat (which has destroyed the people of Luth), family Luth, The Prophet Luth as*, The wife of Luth, Ashab Safinah, Attaabut (crate place to keep the law), Mrs, Moses, The Prophet Moses, The Prophet Moses as (Musa)*, Wife of Moses, apostleship, Berqudwah him, Character and nature of God, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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