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Found 2 verses associated with Qaatalahumullaahu

Waqaalati lyahuudu 'uzayrun ibnullaahi waqaalati nnashaaraa lmasiihu ibnullaahi dzaalika qawluhum bi-afwaahihim yudaahi-uuna qawlalladziina kafaruu min qablu qaatalahumullaahu annaa yu/fakuun

Wa-idzaa ra-aytahum tu'jibuka ajsaamuhum wa-in yaquuluu tasma'liqawlihim ka-annahum khusyubun musannadatun yahsabuuna kulla shayhatin 'alayhim humu l'aduwwu fahtsarhum qaatalahumullaahu annaa yu/fakuun

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Found 2 verses and   0 topics (groups of verses) associated with Qaatalahumullaahu

Tags: Qaatalahumullaahu, Qur, #039;anic, [9] : verse 30 [9:30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!, QS, Al Munaafiquun (Al Munafiqun) [63] : verse 4 [63:4] And when you see them their persons will please you and If they speak you will listen to their sp Verse letter name, letter / paragraph number Qaatalahumullaahu, Topic (Title), Section / Chapter Qaatalahumullaahu, verses and topics Qaatalahumullaahu., justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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