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Found 2 verses associated with Qiradatan

Walaqad 'alimtumulladziina i'tadaw minkum fii ssabti faqulnaa lahum kuunuu qiradatan khaasi-iin

Falammaa 'ataw 'an maa nuhuu 'anhu qulnaa lahum kuunuu qiradatan khaasi-iin

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Found 2 verses and   0 topics (groups of verses) associated with Qiradatan

Tags: Qiradatan, Holy Book Koran, e 65 [2:65] And certainly you have known those among you who exceeded the limits of the Sabbath so We said to them: Be (as) apes despised and hated, QS, Al A, #039;raaf (Al A, #039;raf) [7] : verse 166 [7:166] Therefore whe Verse letter name, letter / paragraph number Qiradatan, Topic (Title), Section / Chapter Qiradatan, verses and topics Qiradatan., justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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