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Found 15 verses associated with Qulillaahu

Qulillaahumma maalika lmulki tu/tii lmulka man tasyaau watanzi'u lmulka mimman tasyaau watu'izzu man tasyaau watudzillu man tasyaau biyadika lkhayru innaka 'alaa kulli syay-in qadiir

Wayastaftuunaka fii nnisaa-i qulillaahu yuftiikum fiihinna wamaa yutlaa 'alaykum fii lkitaabi fii yataamaa nnisaa-illaatii laa tu/tuunahunna maa kutiba lahunna watarghabuuna an tankihuuhunna walmustadh'afiina mina lwildaani wa-an taquumuu lilyataamaa bilqisthi wamaa taf'aluu min khayrin fa-innallaaha kaana bihi 'aliimaa

Yastaftuunaka qulillaahu yuftiikum fii lkalaalati ini imruun halaka laysa lahu waladun walahu ukhtun falahaa nishfu maa taraka wahuwa yaritsuhaa in lam yakun lahaa waladun fa-in kaanataa itsnatayni falahumaa tstsulutsaani mimmaa taraka wa-in kaanuu ikhwatan rijaalan wanisaa-an falidzdzakari mitslu hazhzhi luntsayayni yubayyinullaahu lakum an tadhilluu walaahu bikulli syay-in 'aliim

Qul ayyu syay-in akbaru syahaadatan qulillaahu syahiidun baynii wabaynakum wauuhiya ilayya haadzaa lqur-aanu li-undzirakum bihi waman balagha a-innakum latasyhaduuna anna ma'allaahi aalihatan ukhraa qul laa asyhadu qul innamaa huwa ilaahun waahidun wa-innanii barii-un mimmaa tusyrikuun

Qulillaahu yunajjiikum minhaa wamin kulli karbin tsumma antum tusyrikuun

Wamaa qadaruullaaha haqqa qadrihi idz qaaluu maa anzalallaahu 'alaa basyarin min syay-in qul man anzala lkitaaballadzii jaa-a bihi muusaa nuuran wahudan linnaasi taj'aluunahu qaraathiisa tubduunahaa watukhfuuna katsiiran wa'ullimtum maa lam ta'lamuu antum walaa aabaaukum qulillaahu tsumma dzarhum fii khawdhihim yal'abuun

Wa-idzaa adzaqnaa nnaasa rahmatan min ba'di dharraa-a massat-hum idzaa lahum makrun fii aayaatinaa qulillaahu asra'u makran inna rusulanaa yaktubuuna maa tamkuruun

Qul hal min syurakaa-ikum man yabdau lkhalqa tsumma yu'iiduhu qulillaahu yabdau lkhalqa tsumma yu'iiduhu fa-annaa tu/fakuun

Qul hal min syurakaa-ikum man yahdii ilaa lhaqqi qulillaahu yahdii lilhaqqi afaman yahdii ilaa lhaqqi ahaqqu an yuttaba'a amman laa yahiddii illaa an yuhdaa famaa lakum kayfa tahkumuun

Qul man rabbu ssamaawaati wal-ardhi qulillaahu qul afattakhadztum min duunihi awliyaa-a laa yamlikuuna li-anfusihim naf'an walaa dharran qul hal yastawii l-a'maa walbashiiru am hal tastawii zhzhulumaatu wannuuru am ja'aluu lillaahi syurakaa-a khalaquu kakhalqihi fatasyaabaha lkhalqu 'alayhim qulillaahu khaaliqu kulli syay-in wahuwa lwaahidu lqahhaar

Qulillaahu a'lamu bimaa labitsuu lahu ghaybu ssamaawaati wal-ardhi abshir bihi wa-asmi'maa lahum min duunihi min waliyyin walaa yusyriku fii hukmihi ahadaa

Wa-in jaadaluuka faqulillaahu a'lamu bimaa ta'maluun

Qul man yarzuqukum mina ssamaawaati wal-ardhi qulillaahu wa-innaa aw iyyaakum la'alaa hudan aw fii dhalaalin mubiin

Qulillaahumma faathira ssamaawaati wal-ardhi 'aalima lghaybi wasysyahaadati anta tahkumu bayna 'ibaadika fii maa kaanuu fiihi yakhtalifuun

Qulillaahu yuhyiikum tsumma yumiitukum tsumma yajma'ukum ilaa yawmi lqiyaamati laa rayba fiihi walaakinna aktsara nnaasi laa ya'lamuun

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Tags: Qulillaahu, Holy Book Qur, #039;an Online Multilingual, akes clear to you lest you err; and Allah knows all things, QS, Al An, #039;aam (Al An, #039;am) [6] : verse 19 [6:19] Say: What thing is the weightiest in testimony? Say: Allah is witness between you and me; and this Quran has been revealed to me that with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches, Do you really bear witness that there are other gods with Allah? Say: I do not bear witness, Say: He is only one God and surely I am clear of that which you set up (with Him), QS, Al An, #039;aam (Al An, #039;am) [6] : verse 64 [6:64] Say: Allah delivers you from them and from every distress but agai Verse letter name, letter / paragraph number Qulillaahu, Topic (Title), Section / Chapter Qulillaahu, verses and topics Qulillaahu., justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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