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CHAPTER : MORALS (Commendation, Disgraced, Ethics, Rights)
Total Number of Sections : 3 sections
Total Number of Topics : 97 topics
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Sections and Topics in Chapter MORALS :
» Morals are disgraceful   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Treasonable   ---» QS. 2:187, 3:161, 4:105, .....
The words were not meant   ---» QS. 2:225, 5:89, 23:1, .....
The nature of the ugly   ---» QS. 2:27, 4:31, 6:136, .....
Taking the spoils   ---» QS. 59:6, 59:7, 3:161, .....
Supercilious and prides itself   ---» QS. 4:36, 4:49, 31:18, .....
Spying and stealing hearing   ---» QS. 5:41, 15:18, 17:36, .....
Spreading false news   ---» QS. 2:114, 5:89, 23:1, .....
Ruin   ---» QS. 2:27, 2:60, 5:33, .....
Riya (showing off)   ---» QS. 2:264, 4:38, 4:142, .....
Provoke   ---» QS. 5:41, 9:47, 68:11
Prostitute, whore   ---» QS. 24:26, 24:33
Preventing kindness   ---» QS. 50:25, 68:1, 68:2, .....
Prejudice   ---» QS. 3:154, 6:116, 6:1, .....
Paganism   ---» QS. 8:55, 10:12, 10:22, .....
Outspoken in saying that bad   ---» QS. 4:148
Opinions hasty   ---» QS. 17:37, 18:37
Negligent   ---» QS. 6:131, 7:136, 7:146, .....
Mention the gift and hurt penerimaanya   ---» QS. 2:262, 2:263, 2:264, .....
Lie   ---» QS. 2:10, 6:24, 9:77, .....
Joking and messing around   ---» QS. 5:57, 5:58, 6:32, .....
Jealous   ---» QS. 2:90
Insult   ---» QS. 2:14, 2:15, 2:67, .....
Indirection   ---» QS. 3:185, 4:120, 6:70, .....
Indecency   ---» QS. 6:151, 16:90, 7:28
Incite   ---» QS. 2:109, 4:54, 48:15, .....
Hypocrite   ---» QS. 2:204, 3:167, 3:179, .....
Hatred   ---» QS. 5:8, 108:3
Hard-hearted   ---» QS. 2:74, 5:13, 6:43, .....
Grieve for what has been lost   ---» QS. 3:156, 57:23
Greedy   ---» QS. 2:168, 4:32, 15:88, .....
Gimmicks (commit treason)   ---» QS. 3:54, 6:123, 6:124, .....
Ghibah (talk disgrace others)   ---» QS. 49:12, 104:1
Fornicate   ---» QS. 4:24, 4:25, 5:5
Following nafsyu lust   ---» QS. 3:14
Fasiq   ---» QS. 2:26, 2:59, 3:82, .....
Fajir   ---» QS. 4:15, 4:16, 6:151, .....
Fabricated against Allah and His Messenger   ---» QS. 3:94, 4:50, 5:103, .....
Extravagant   ---» QS. 3:147, 4:6, 5:32, .....
Exaggerate   ---» QS. 49:12, 5:101
Doing mubadzir   ---» QS. 6:141, 17:26, 17:27, .....
Do bad by blatantly   ---» QS. 4:148
Disputes and controversies   ---» QS. 2:188, 3:152, 4:29, .....
Disgraced morals   ---» QS. 2:44, 3:154, 4:123, .....
Detractor   ---» QS. 7:86, 33:60, 33:61
Deeds not words satisfying the   ---» QS. 2:44, 61:2
Damage   ---» QS. 2:11, 2:12, 2:27, .....
Curmudgeonly   ---» QS. 3:180, 4:37, 4:128, .....
Coward   ---» QS. 3:156, 3:158, 4:72, .....
Cheat   ---» QS. 83:1, 83:2, 83:3
Cavalier   ---» QS. 8:47
Calumniator   ---» QS. 23:97, 49:11, 104:1, .....
Calling with a bad title   ---» QS. 49:11
Blatant in doing evil   ---» QS. 4:148, 24:19
Big mouth   ---» QS. 4:20, 4:112, 4:156, .....
Baghyu (lacut)   ---» QS. 7:33, 10:22, 10:23, .....
Bad manners   ---» QS. 4:123, 5:100, 6:135, .....
Arrogant   ---» QS. 2:34, 4:36, 4:172, .....
Arrogant   ---» QS. 4:36, 4:172, 4:173, .....
Apostate   ---» QS. 2:217, 3:87, 3:88, .....
Angry   ---» QS. 3:133, 3:134, 9:15, .....
A promise   ---» QS. 2:27, 3:77, 8:55, .....
» Morals are commendable   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Wise   ---» QS. 2:129, 2:151, 2:231, .....
Turning of the act in vain   ---» QS. 23:3, 25:72, 28:55
To be fair   ---» QS. 7:29, 60:8
The best Speech   ---» QS. 2:83, 2:263, 17:53, .....
The believers (Mukmin)   ---» QS. 2:136, 3:121, 3:122, .....
Tawadhu (humbled)   ---» QS. 15:88, 17:37, 24:30, .....
Stresses the other   ---» QS. 4:135, 20:72, 33:23, .....
Serenity   ---» QS. 13:28, 48:4, 48:18, .....
Return good for evil   ---» QS. 13:22, 23:96, 25:63, .....
Peace   ---» QS. 6:127, 8:61, 10:9, .....
Patient   ---» QS. 2:45, 2:153, 2:156, .....
Morals Praised   ---» QS. 2:40, 2:45, 2:153, .....
Make peace among men   ---» QS. 4:114, 49:9, 49:10
Lower his gaze and guard pussy/cunt   ---» QS. 23:5, 23:6, 23:7, .....
Keeping promises   ---» QS. 2:27, 2:40, 2:80, .....
Keeping honor   ---» QS. 2:273, 4:6, 4:25, .....
Keep one's temper   ---» QS. 3:134, 16:126, .....
Jihad   ---» QS. 29:6, 29:69, 22:78, .....
Istiqomah   ---» QS. 3:139, 3:140, 3:146, .....
Ingratitude   ---» QS. 2:40, 2:47, 2:122, .....
Hygiene   ---» QS. 22:29, 48:27, 74:1, .....
Honest   ---» QS. 2:177, 3:17, 5:119, .....
Good treatment   ---» QS. 2:104, 4:86, 17:53, .....
Glorifying guests   ---» QS. 2:177, 2:215, 9:6, .....
Forgiving   ---» QS. 2:237, 2:263, 3:133, .....
Forgiveness is accompanied by freedom   ---» QS. 2:109, 5:13, 15:85, .....
Face to shine   ---» QS. 4:29, 8:63, 17:53, .....
Doing good   ---» QS. 2:44, 2:148, 2:195, .....
Do good   ---» QS. 2:83, 2:112, 2:117, .....
Compete in doing good   ---» QS. 2:110, 2:148, 3:114, .....
Clean Heart (Holy)   ---» QS. 6:125, 8:61, 10:9, .....
Balance in all things   ---» QS. 17:29, 17:110, .....
Affection   ---» QS. 48:29, 90:18
» Ethics and Public Rights   ---» QS. 4:36, 4:86, 4:140, .....

Page -»   1
There are 3 sections and  97 topics in chapter MORALS

Tags: Ethics and Public Rights, #9040; MORALS (Commendation, Disgraced, Ethics, Rights), #9040; Koran and Islamic Community, #9040;, orgiving, Forgiveness is accompanied by freedom, Face to shine, Doing good, Do good, Compete in doing good, Clean Heart (Holy), Balance in all things, Affection, Ethics and Public Rights, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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