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CHAPTER : PREACHING (Liabilities, Wisdom, Boundaries)
Total Number of Sections : 3 sections
Total Number of Topics : 14 topics
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Sections and Topics in Chapter PREACHING :
» Mandatory legal   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
To every Muslim   ---» QS. 3:21, 3:104, 3:110, .....
Threats to call people who do not   ---» QS. 2:174, 3:187, 16:44, .....
Main task of the Apostles   ---» QS. 4:79, 5:92, 5:101, .....
» Wisdom (wise) in preaching   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
Da'wah obligatory with wisdom   ---» QS. 2:151, 2:231, 2:269, .....
Arguing with a better way   ---» QS. 16:125, 17:53, .....
Return good for evil   ---» QS. 13:22, 23:96, 25:63, .....
The use of metaphor in preaching   ---» QS. 2:26, 39:27, 14:25, .....
» The boundaries of dakwah   ---» QS. All the topics in this section
There is no compulsion in religion   ---» QS. 2,256, 10:9, 18:29, .....
It should not be exaggerated in religion   ---» QS. 5:87, 7:55, 6:119, .....
Pressure creed is persecuted   ---» QS. 2:114, 3:186, 3:195, .....
Facilitate other people's business   ---» QS. 2:62, 2:83, 2:109, .....

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There are 3 sections and  14 topics in chapter PREACHING

Tags: PREACHING (Liabilities, Wisdom, Boundaries), #9056; Holy Book The Koran Digital and Tafsir, #9056;, Propagation Yarus that speaks your language, Arguing with a better way, Return good for evil, The use of metaphor in preaching, Prohibition of cursing unbelievers who will cause it to curse God, There is no compulsion in religion, It should not be exaggerated in religion, Pressure creed is persecute, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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Quran Index/Keywords
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Quran Tafseer & History

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Topics/Chapters in Quran
Faith - Tawheed, Pillars of Faith, ...
Morals - Ethics, Rights, ...
Islam - Pillars of Islam, Prayer, ...
Shari'a - Globally
Science - Branches, ...
Charity - Deeds, Halal, Haram
Preaching - Liabilities, Wisdom
Community - Family, Religion
Law - Justice, Commerce, ...
History - 25 Prophet, Nations, ...

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Quran Surah / Verse
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Surah Number | Surah Name
1. Al-Faatihah -- 7
2. Al-Baqarah -- 286
3. Aali 'Imran -- 200
4. An-Nisaa' -- 176
5. Al-Maaidah -- 120
6. Al-An'aam -- 165
7. Al-A'raaf -- 206
8. Al-Anfaal -- 75
9. At-Taubah -- 129
10. Yuunus -- 109
11. Huud -- 123
12. Yuusuf -- 111
13. Ar-Ra'd -- 43
14. Ibraahiim -- 52
15. Al-Hijr -- 99
16. An-Nahl -- 128
17. Al-Israa' -- 111
18. Al-Kahfi -- 110
19. Maryam -- 98
20. Thaahaa -- 135
21. Al-Anbiyaa' -- 112
22. Al-Hajj -- 78
23. Al-Mu'minuun -- 118
24. An-Nuur -- 64
25. Al-Furqaan -- 77
26. Asy-Syu'araa -- 227
27. An-Naml -- 93
28. Al-Qashash -- 88
29. Al-'Ankabuut -- 69
30. Ar-Ruum -- 60
31. Luqmaan -- 34
32. As-Sajdah -- 30
33. Al-Ahzaab -- 73
34. Sabaa' -- 54
35. Faathir -- 45
36. Yaasiin -- 83
37. Ash-Shaaffaat -- 182
38. Shaad -- 88
39. Az-Zumar -- 75
40. Al-Mu'min -- 85
41. Fushshilat -- 54
42. Asy-Syuura -- 53
43. Az-Zukhruf -- 89
44. Ad-Dukhaan -- 59
45. Al-Jaatsiyah -- 37
46. Al-Ahqaaf -- 35
47. Muhammad -- 38
48. Al-Fath -- 29
49. Al-Hujuraat -- 18
50. Qaaf -- 45
51. Adz-Dzaariyaat -- 60
52. Ath-Thuur -- 49
53. An-Najm -- 62
54. Al-Qamar -- 55
55. Ar-Rahmaan -- 78
56. Al-Waaqi'ah -- 96
57. Al-Hadiid -- 29
58. Al-Mujaadilah -- 22
59. Al-Hasyr -- 24
60. Al-Mumtahanah -- 13
61. Ash-Shaaff -- 14
62. Al-Jumu'ah -- 11
63. Al-Munaafiquun -- 11
64. At-Taghaabun -- 18
65. Ath-Thalaaq -- 12
66. At-Tahriim -- 12
67. Al-Mulk -- 30
68. Al-Qalam -- 52
69. Al-Haaqqah -- 52
70. Al-Ma'aarij -- 44
71. Nuh -- 28
72. Al-Jin -- 28
73. Al-Muzzammil -- 20
74. Al-Muddatstsir -- 56
75. Al-Qiyaamah -- 40
76. Al-Insaan -- 31
77. Al-Mursalaat -- 50
78. An-Naba' -- 40
79. An-Naazi'aat -- 46
80. 'Abasa -- 42
81. At-Takwiir -- 29
82. Al-Infithaar -- 19
83. Al-Muthaffifiin -- 36
84. Al-Insyiqaaq -- 25
85. Al-Buruuj -- 22
86. Ath-Thaariq -- 17
87. Al-A'laa -- 19
88. Al-Ghasyiyah -- 26
89. Al-Fajr -- 30
90. Al-Balad -- 20
91. Asy-Syams -- 15
92. Al-Lail -- 21
93. Adh-Dhuhaa -- 11
94. Al-Insyirah -- 8
95. At-Tiin -- 8
96. Al-'Alaq -- 19
97. Al-Qadr -- 5
98. Al-Bayyinah -- 8
99. Al-Zalzalah -- 8
100. Al-'Aadiyat -- 11
101. Al-Qaari'ah -- 11
102. At-Takaatsur -- 8
103. Al-'Ashr -- 3
104. Al-Humazah -- 9
105. Al-Fiil -- 5
106. Al-Quraisy -- 4
107. Al-Maa'uun -- 7
108. Al-Kautsar -- 3
109. Al-Kaafiruun -- 6
110. An-Nashr -- 3
111. Al-Lahab -- 5
112. Al-Ikhlaash -- 4
113. Al-Falaq -- 5
114. An-Naas -- 6
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