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Meaning: The Overwhelming Event (Hari Pembalasan)
Surah Number: 88 = 26 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [88:26]

Hal ataaka hadiitsu lghaasyiyat
[88:1] Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity?
[88:1] Sudah datangkah kepadamu berita (tentang) hari pembalasan?

Wujuuhun yawma-idzin khaasyi'a
[88:2] (Some) faces on that day shall be downcast,
[88:2] Banyak muka pada hari itu tunduk terhina,

'aamilatun naasiba
[88:3] Laboring, toiling,
[88:3] bekerja keras lagi kepayahan,

Tashlaa naaran haamiya
[88:4] Entering into burning fire,
[88:4] memasuki api yang sangat panas (neraka),

Tusqaa min 'aynin aaniya
[88:5] Made to drink from a boiling spring.
[88:5] diberi minum (dengan air) dari sumber yang sangat panas.

Laysa lahum tha'aamun illaa min dharii'in
[88:6] They shall have no food but of thorns,
[88:6] Mereka tiada memperoleh makanan selain dari pohon yang berduri,

Laa yusminu walaa yughnii min juu'in
[88:7] Which will neither fatten nor avail against hunger.
[88:7] yang tidak menggemukkan dan tidak pula menghilangkan lapar.

Wujuuhun yawma-idzin naa'ima
[88:8] (Other) faces on that day shall be happy,
[88:8] Banyak muka pada hari itu berseri-seri,

Lisa'yihaa raadiya
[88:9] Well-pleased because of their striving,
[88:9] merasa senang karena usahanya,

Fii jannatin 'aaliya
[88:10] In a lofty garden,
[88:10] dalam surga yang tinggi,

Laa tasma'u fiihaa laaghiya
[88:11] Wherein you shall not hear vain talk.
[88:11] tidak kamu denganr di dalamnya perkataan yang tidak berguna.

Fiihaa 'aynun jaariya
[88:12] Therein is a fountain flowing,
[88:12] Di dalamnya ada mata air yang mengalir.

Fiihaa sururun marfuu'a
[88:13] Therein are thrones raised high,
[88:13] Di dalamnya ada takhta-takhta yang ditinggikan,

Wa-akwaabun mawdhuu'a
[88:14] And drinking-cups ready placed,
[88:14] dan gelas-gelas yang terletak (di dekatnya),

Wanamaariqu mashfuufa
[88:15] And cushions set in a row,
[88:15] dan bantal-bantal sandaran yang tersusun,

Wazaraabiyyu mabtsuutsa
[88:16] And carpets spread out.
[88:16] dan permadani-permadani yang terhampar.

Afalaa yanzhuruuna ilaa l-ibili kayfa khuliqath
[88:17] Will they not then consider the camels, how they are created?
[88:17] Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan unta bagaimana dia diciptakan,

Wa-ilaa ssamaa-i kayfa rufi'ath
[88:18] And the heaven, how it is reared aloft,
[88:18] Dan langit, bagaimana ia ditinggikan?

Wa-ilaa ljibaali kayfa nushibath
[88:19] And the mountains, how they are firmly fixed,
[88:19] Dan gunung-gunung bagaimana ia ditegakkan?

Wa-ilaa l-ardhi kayfa suthihath
[88:20] And the earth, how it is made a vast expanse?
[88:20] Dan bumi bagaimana ia dihamparkan?

Fadzakkir innamaa anta mudzakkir
[88:21] Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder.
[88:21] Maka berilah peringatan, karena sesungguhnya kamu hanyalah orang yang memberi peringatan.

Lasta 'alayhim bimushaythir
[88:22] You are not a watcher over them;
[88:22] Kamu bukanlah orang yang berkuasa atas mereka,

Illaa man tawallaa wakafar
[88:23] But whoever turns back and disbelieves,
[88:23] tetapi orang yang berpaling dan kafir,

Fayu'adzdzibuhullaahu l'adzaaba l-akbar
[88:24] Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.
[88:24] maka Allah akan mengazabnya dengan azab yang besar.

Inna ilaynaa iyaabahum
[88:25] Surely to Us is their turning back,
[88:25] Sesungguhnya kepada Kami-lah kembali mereka,

Tsumma inna 'alaynaa hisaabahum
[88:26] Then surely upon Us is the taking of their account.
[88:26] kemudian sesungguhnya kewajiban Kami-lah menghisab mereka.

Page -»   1
There are 26 verses in Surah Al-Ghasyiyah

Tags: Al-Ghasyiyah [88:26], The Overwhelming Event, Qur, #039;anic, use of their striving, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 10 [88:10] In a lofty garden, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 11 [88:11] Wherein you shall not hear vain talk, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 12 [88:12] Therein is a fountain flowing, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 13 [88:13] Therein are thrones raised high, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 14 [88:14] And drinking cups ready placed, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 15 [88:15] And cushions set in a row, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 16 [88:16] And carpets spread out, QS, Al Ghasyiyah [88] : verse 17 [88:17] Will they not then consider the camels how th, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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