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Ash-Shaaffaat (As-Saffat)
Meaning: The People Who Range Themselves in Ranks (Yang bershaf-shaf)
Surah Number: 37 = 182 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [37:182]

Washshaaffaati shaffaa
[37:1] I swear by those who draw themselves out in ranks
[37:1] Demi (rombongan) yang ber shaf-shaf dengan sebenar-benarnya,

Fazzaajiraati zajraa
[37:2] Then those who drive away with reproof,
[37:2] dan demi (rombongan) yang melarang dengan sebenar-benarnya (dari perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat),

Fattaaliyaati dzikraa
[37:3] Then those who recite, being mindful,
[37:3] dan demi (rombongan) yang membacakan pelajaran,

Inna ilaahakum lawaahid
[37:4] Most surely your God is One:
[37:4] Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu benar-benar Esa.

Rabbu ssamaawaati wal-ardhi wamaa baynahumaa warabbu lmasyaariq
[37:5] The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the easts.
[37:5] Tuhan langit dan bumi dan apa yang berada di antara keduanya dan Tuhan tempat-tempat terbit matahari.

Innaa zayyannaa ssamaa-a ddunyaa biziinatin lkawaakib
[37:6] Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars,
[37:6] Sesungguhnya Kami telah menghias langit yang terdekat dengan hiasan, yaitu bintang-bintang,

Wahifzhan min kulli syaythaanin maarid
[37:7] And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious Shaitan.
[37:7] dan telah memeliharanya (sebenar-benarnya) dari setiap setan yang sangat durhaka,

Laa yassamma'uuna ilaa lmala-i l-a'laa wayuqdzafuuna min kulli jaanib
[37:8] They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are thrown at from every side,
[37:8] setan setan itu tidak dapat mendengar-denganrkan (pembicaraan) para malaikat dan mereka dilempari dari segala penjuru.

Duhuuran walahum 'adzaabun waasib
[37:9] Being driven off, and for them is a perpetual chastisement,
[37:9] Untuk mengusir mereka dan bagi mereka siksaan yang kekal,

Illaa man khathifa lkhathfata fa-atba'ahu syihaabun tsaaqib
[37:10] Except him who snatches off but once, then there follows him a brightly shining flame.
[37:10] akan tetapi barangsiapa (di antara mereka) yang mencuri-curi (pembicaraan); maka ia dikejar oleh suluh api yang cemerlang.

Fastaftihim ahum asyaddu khalqan am man khalaqnaa innaa khalaqnaahum min thiinin laazib
[37:11] Then ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. Surely We created them of firm clay.
[37:11] Maka tanyakanlah kepada mereka (musyrik Mekkah): "Apakah mereka yang lebih kukuh kejadiannya ataukah apa yang telah Kami ciptakan itu?" Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan mereka dari tanah liat.

Bal 'ajibta wayaskharuun
[37:12] Nay! you wonder while they mock,
[37:12] Bahkan kamu menjadi heran (terhadap keingkaran mereka) dan mereka menghinakan kamu.

Wa-idzaa dzukkiruu laa yadzkuruun
[37:13] And when they are reminded, they mind not,
[37:13] Dan apabila mereka diberi pelajaran mereka tiada mengingatnya.

Wa-idzaa ra-aw aayatan yastaskhiruun
[37:14] And when they see a sign they incite one another to scoff,
[37:14] Dan apabila mereka melihat sesuatu tanda kebesaran Allah, mereka sangat menghinakan.

Waqaaluu in haadzaa illaa sihrun mubiin
[37:15] And they say: This is nothing but clear magic:
[37:15] Dan mereka berkata "Ini tiada lain hanyalah sihir yang nyata.

A-idzaa mitnaa wakunnaa turaaban wa'izhaaman a-innaa lamab'uutsuun
[37:16] What! when we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then certainly be raised,
[37:16] Apakah apabila kami telah mati dan telah menjadi tanah serta menjadi tulang belulang, apakah benar-benar kami akan dibangkitkan (kembali)?

Awa aabaaunaa l-awwaluun
[37:17] Or our fathers of yore?
[37:17] Dan apakah bapak-bapak kami yang telah terdahulu (akan dibangkitkan pula)"?

Qul na'am wa-antum daakhiruun
[37:18] Say: Aye! and you shall be abject.
[37:18] Katakanlah:"Ya, dan kamu akan terhina"

Fa-innamaa hiya zajratun waahidatun fa-idzaa hum yanzhuruun
[37:19] So it shall only be a single cry, when lo! they shall see.
[37:19] Maka sesungguhnya kebangkitan itu hanya dengan satu teriakan saja; maka tiba-tiba mereka meIihatnya.

Waqaaluu yaa waylanaa haadzaa yawmu ddiin
[37:20] And they shall say: O woe to us! this is the day of requital.
[37:20] Dan mereka berkata:"Aduhai celakalah kita!" Inilah hari pembalasan.

Haadzaa yawmu lfashlilladzii kuntum bihi tukadzdzibuun
[37:21] This is the day of the judgment which you called a lie.
[37:21] Inilah hari keputusan yang kamu selalu mendustakannya.

Uhsyuruulladziina zhalamuu wa-azwaajahum wamaa kaanuu ya'buduun
[37:22] Gather together those who were unjust and their associates, and what they used to worship
[37:22] (kepada malaikat diperintahkan): "Kumpulkanlah orang-orang yang zalim beserta teman sejawat mereka dan sembahan-sembahan yang selalu mereka sembah,

Min duunillaahi fahduuhum ilaa shiraathi ljahiim
[37:23] Besides Allah, then lead them to the way to hell.
[37:23] selain Allah; maka tunjukkanlah kepada mereka jalan ke neraka.

Waqifuuhum innahum masuuluun
[37:24] And stop them, for they shall be questioned:
[37:24] Dan tahanlah mereka (di tempat perhentian) karena sesungguhnya mereka akan ditanya:

Maa lakum laa tanaasaruun
[37:25] What is the matter with you that you do not help each other?
[37:25] "Kenapa kamu tidak tolong menolong ?"

Bal humu lyawma mustaslimuun
[37:26] Nay! on that day they shall be submissive.
[37:26] Bahkan mereka pada hari itu menyerah diri.

Wa-aqbala ba'dhuhum 'alaa ba'dhin yatasaa-aluun
[37:27] And some of them shall advance towards others, questioning each other.
[37:27] Sebagian dan mereka menghadap kepada sebagian yang lain berbantah-bantahan.

Qaaluu innakum kuntum ta/tuunanaa 'ani lyamiin
[37:28] They shall say: Surely you used to come to us from the right side.
[37:28] Pengikut-pengikut mereka berkata (kepada pemimpin-pemimpin mereka): "Sesungguhnya kamulah yang datang kepada kami dan kanan.

Qaaluu bal lam takuunuu mu/miniin
[37:29] They shall say: Nay, you (yourselves) were not believers;
[37:29] Pemimpin-pemimpin mereka menjawab: "Sebenarnya kamulah yang tidak beriman".

Wamaa kaana lanaa 'alaykum min shulthaanin bal kuntum qawman thaaghiin
[37:30] And we had no authority over you, but you were an inordinate people;
[37:30] Dan sekali-kali kami tidak berkuasa terhadapmu, bahkan kamulah kaum yang melampaui batas.

Fahaqqa 'alaynaa qawlu rabbinaa innaa ladzaa-iquun
[37:31] So the sentence of our Lord has come to pass against us: (now) we shall surely taste;
[37:31] Maka pastilah putusan (azab) Tuhan kita menimpa atas kita; sesungguhnya kita akan merasakan (azab itu).

Fa-aghwaynaakum innaa kunnaa ghaawiin
[37:32] So we led you astray, for we ourselves were erring.
[37:32] Maka kami telah menyesatkan kamu, sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang sesat.

Fa-innahum yawma-idzin fii l'adzaabi musytarikuun
[37:33] So they shall on that day be sharers in the chastisement one with another.
[37:33] Maka sesungguhnya mereka pada hari itu bersama-sama dalam azab.

Innaa kadzaalika naf'alu bilmujrimiin
[37:34] Surely thus do We deal with the guilty.
[37:34] Sesungguhnya demikianlah Kami berbuat terhadap orang-orang yang berbuat jahat.

Innahum kaanuu idzaa qiila lahum laa ilaaha illaallaahu yastakbiruun
[37:35] Surely they used to behave proudly when it was said to them: There is no god but Allah;
[37:35] Sesungguhnya mereka dahulu apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Laa ilaaha illallah" (Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah) mereka menyombongkan diri,

Wayaquuluuna a-innaa lataarikuu aalihatinaa lisyaa'irin majnuun
[37:36] And to say: What! shall we indeed give up our gods for the sake of a mad poet?
[37:36] dan mereka berkata: "Apakah sesungguhnya kami harus meninggalkan sembahan-sembahan kami karena seorang penyair gila?"

Bal jaa-a bilhaqqi washaddaqa lmursaliin
[37:37] Nay: he has come with the truth and verified the apostles.
[37:37] Sebenarnya dia (Muhammad) telah datang membawa kebenaran dan membenarkan rasul-rasul (sebelumnya).

Innakum ladzaa-iquu l'adzaabi l-aliim
[37:38] Most surely you will taste the painful punishment.
[37:38] Sesungguhnya kamu pasti akan merasakan azab yang pedih.

Wamaa tujzawna illaa maa kuntum ta'maluun
[37:39] And you shall not be rewarded except (for) what you did.
[37:39] Dan kamu tidak diberi pembalasan melainkan terhadap kejahatan yang

Illaa 'ibaadallaahi lmukhlashiin
[37:40] Save the servants of Allah, the purified ones.
[37:40] tetapi hamba-hamba Allah yang dibersihkan (dari dosa).

Ulaa-ika lahum rizqun ma'luum
[37:41] For them is a known sustenance,
[37:41] Mereka itu memperoleh rezeki yang tertentu,

Fawaakihu wahum mukramuun
[37:42] Fruits, and they shall be highly honored,
[37:42] yaitu buah-buahan. Dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang dimuliakan,

Fii jannaati nna'iim
[37:43] In gardens of pleasure,
[37:43] di dalam surga-surga yang penuh nikmat.

'alaa sururin mutaqaabiliin
[37:44] On thrones, facing each other.
[37:44] di atas takhta-takhta kebesaran berhadap-hadapan.

Yuthaafu 'alayhim bika/sin min ma'iin
[37:45] A bowl shall be made to go round them from water running out of springs,
[37:45] Diedarkan kepada mereka gelas yang berisi khamar dari sungai yang mengalir.

Baydhaa-a ladzdzatin lisysyaaribiin
[37:46] White, delicious to those who drink.
[37:46] (Warnanya) putih bersih, sedap rasanya bagi orang-orang yang minum.

Laa fiihaa ghawlun walaa hum 'anhaa yunzafuun
[37:47] There shall be no trouble in it, nor shall they be exhausted therewith.
[37:47] Tidak ada dalam khamar itu alkohol dan mereka tiada mabuk karenanya.

Wa'indahum qaasiraatu ththharfi 'iin
[37:48] And with them shall be those who restrain the eyes, having beautiful eyes;
[37:48] Di sisi mereka ada bidadari-bidadari yang tidak liar pandangannya dan jelita matanya,

Ka-annahunna baydhun maknuun
[37:49] As if they were eggs carefully protected.
[37:49] seakan-akan mereka adalah telur (burung unta) yang tersimpan dengan baik.

Fa-aqbala ba'dhuhum 'alaa ba'dhin yatasaa-aluun
[37:50] Then shall some of them advance to others, questioning each other.
[37:50] Lalu sebagian mereka menghadap kepada sebagian yang lain sambil bercakap-cakap.

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There are 182 verses in Surah Ash-Shaaffaat (As-Saffat)

Tags: Ash-Shaaffaat (As-Saffat) [37:182], The People Who Range Themselves in Ranks, Quran, ) [37] : verse 25 [37:25] What is the matter with you that you do not help each other?, QS, Ash Shaaffaat (As Saffat) [37] : verse 26 [37:26] Nay! on that day they shall be submissive, QS, Ash Shaaffaat (As Saffat) [37] : verse 27 [37:27] And some of them shall advance towards others questioning each other, QS, Ash Shaaffaat (As Saffat) [37] : verse 28 [37:28] They shall say: Surely you used to come to us from the right side, QS, Ash Shaaffaat (As Saffat) [37] : verse 29 [37:29] They shall say: Nay you (yourselves) were not believers;, QS, Ash Shaaffaat (As Saffat) [37] : verse 30 [37:30] And, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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