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Meaning: Friday (Hari Jum'at)
Surah Number: 62 = 11 Verses   (Revealed at Madina)   ▪ [62:11]

Yusabbihu lillaahi maa fii ssamaawaati wamaa fii l-ardhi lmaliki lqudduusi l'aziizi lhakiim
[62:1] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth declares the glory of Allah, the King, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise.

Huwalladzii ba'atsa fii l-ummiyyiina rasuulan minhum yatluu 'alayhim aayaatihi wayuzakkiihim wayu'allimuhumu lkitaaba walhikmata wa-in kaanuu min qablu lafii dhalaalin mubiin
[62:2] He it is Who raised among the inhabitants of Mecca an Apostle from among themselves, who recites to them His communications and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom, although they were before certainly in clear error,

Waaakhariina minhum lammaa yalhaquu bihim wahuwa l'aziizu lhakiim
[62:3] And others from among them who have not yet joined them; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

Dzaalika fadhlullaahi yu/tiihi man yasyaau walaahu dzuu lfadhli l'azhiim
[62:4] That is Allah's grace; He grants it to whom He pleases, and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

Matsalulladziina hummiluu ttawraata tsumma lam yahmiluuhaa kamatsali lhimaari yahmilu asfaaran bi/sa matsalu lqawmilladziina kadzdzabuu bi-aayaatillaahi walaahu laa yahdii lqawma zhzhaalimiin
[62:5] The likeness of those who were charged with the Taurat, then they did not observe it, is as the likeness of the ass bearing books, evil is the likeness of the people who reject the communications of Allah; and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Qul yaa ayyuhaalladziina haaduu in za'amtum annakum awliyaau lillaahi min duuni nnaasi fatamannawuu lmawta in kuntum shaadiqiin
[62:6] Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death If you are truthful.

Walaa yatamannawnahu abadan bimaa qaddamat aydiihim walaahu 'aliimun bizhzhaalimiin
[62:7] And they will never invoke it because of what their hands have sent before; and Allah is Cognizant of the unjust.

Qul inna lmawtalladzii tafirruuna minhu fa-innahu mulaaqiikum tsumma turadduuna ilaa 'aalimi lghaybi wasysyahaadati fayunabbi-ukum bimaa kuntum ta'maluun
[62:8] Say: (As for) the death from which you flee, that will surely overtake you, then you shall be sent back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will inform you of that which you did.

Yaa ayyuhaalladziina aamanuu idzaa nuudiya lishshalaati min yawmi ljumu'ati fas'aw ilaa dzikrillaahi wadzaruu lbay'a dzaalikum khayrun lakum in kuntum ta'lamuun
[62:9] O you who believe! when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know.

Fa-idzaa qudhiyati shshalaatu fantasyiruu fii l-ardhi wabtaghuu min fadhlillaahi wadzkuruullaaha katsiiran la'allakum tuflihuuna
[62:10] But when the prayer is ended, then disperse abroad in the land and seek of Allah's grace, and remember Allah much, that you may be successful.

Wa-idzaa ra-aw tijaaratan aw lahwan infadhdhuu ilayhaa watarakuuka qaa-iman qul maa 'indallaahi khayrun minallahwi wamina ttijaarati walaahu khayru rraaziqiin
[62:11] And when they see merchandise or sport they break up for It, and leave you standing. Say: What is with Allah is better than sport and (better) than merchandise, and Allah is the best of Sustainers.

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There are 11 verses in Surah Al-Jumu'ah

Tags: Al-Jumu, #039;ah, The Koran, Friday, m among them who have not yet joined them; and He is the Mighty the Wise, QS, Al Jumu, #039;ah [62] : verse 4 [62:4] That is Allah, #039;s grace; He grants it to whom He pleases and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace, QS, Al Jumu, #039;ah [62] : verse 5 [62:5] The likeness of those who were charged with the Taurat then they did not observe it is as the likeness of the ass bearing books evil is the likeness of the people who reject the communications of Allah; and Allah does not guide the unjust people, QS, Al Jumu, #039;ah [62] : verse 6 [62:6] Say: O you who are Jews if you think that you are the, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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