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Al-Waaqi'ah (Al-Waqi'ah)
Meaning: The Event Inevitable Cometh to Pass (Hari Kiamat)
Surah Number: 56 = 96 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [56:96]

Idzaa waqa'ati lwaaqi'at
[56:1] When the great event comes to pass,

Laysa liwaq'atihaa kaadziba
[56:2] There is no belying its coming to pass --

Khaafidhatun raafi'a
[56:3] Abasing (one party), exalting (the other),

Idzaa rujjati l-ardhu rajjaa
[56:4] When the earth shall be shaken with a (severe) shaking,

Wabussati ljibaalu bassaa
[56:5] And the mountains shall be made to crumble with (an awful) crumbling,

Fakaanat habaa-an munbatstsaa
[56:6] So that they shall be as scattered dust.

Wakuntum azwaajan tsalaatsa
[56:7] And you shall be three sorts.

Fa-ash-haabu lmaymanati maa ash-haabu lmaymanat
[56:8] Then (as to) the companions of the right hand; how happy are the companions of the right hand!

Wa-ash-haabu lmasy-amati maa ash-haabu lmasy-amat
[56:9] And (as to) the companions of the left hand; how wretched are the companions of the left hand!

Wassaabiquuna ssaabiquun
[56:10] And the foremost are the foremost,

Ulaa-ika lmuqarrabuun
[56:11] These are they who are drawn nigh (to Allah),

Fii jannaati nna'iim
[56:12] In the gardens of bliss.

Tsullatun mina l-awwaliin
[56:13] A numerous company from among the first,

Waqaliilun mina l-aakhiriinaa
[56:14] And a few from among the latter.

'alaa sururin mawdhuuna
[56:15] On thrones decorated,

Muttaki-iina 'alayhaa mutaqaabiliin
[56:16] Reclining on them, facing one another.

Yathuufu 'alayhim wildaanun mukhalladuun
[56:17] Round about them shall go youths never altering in age,

Bi-akwaabin wa-abaariiqa waka/sin min ma'iin
[56:18] With goblets and ewers and a cup of pure drink;

Laa yushadda'uuna 'anhaa walaa yunzifuun
[56:19] They shall not be affected with headache thereby, nor shall they get exhausted,

Wafaakihatin mimmaa yatakhayyaruun
[56:20] And fruits such as they choose,

Walahmi thayrin mimmaa yasytahuun
[56:21] And the flesh of fowl such as they desire.

Wahuurun 'iin
[56:22] And pure, beautiful ones,

Ka-amtsaalillu/lui lmaknuun
[56:23] The like of the hidden pearls:

Jazaa-an bimaa kaanuu ya'maluun
[56:24] A reward for what they used to do.

Laa yasma'uuna fiihaa laghwan walaa ta/tsiimaa
[56:25] They shall not hear therein vain or sinful discourse,

Illaa qiilan salaaman salaamaa
[56:26] Except the word peace, peace.

Wa-ash-haabu lyamiini maa ash-haabu lyamiin
[56:27] And the companions of the right hand; how happy are the companions of the right hand!

Fii sidrin makhdhuud
[56:28] Amid thornless lote-trees,

Wathalhin mandhuud
[56:29] And banana-trees (with fruits), one above another.

Wazhillin mamduud
[56:30] And extended shade,

Wamaa-in maskuub
[56:31] And water flowing constantly,

Wafaakihatin katsiira
[56:32] And abundant fruit,

Laa maqthuu'atin walaa mamnuu'a
[56:33] Neither intercepted nor forbidden,

Wafurusyin marfuu'a
[56:34] And exalted thrones.

Innaa ansya/naahunna insyaa
[56:35] Surely We have made them to grow into a (new) growth,

Faja'alnaahunna abkaaraa
[56:36] Then We have made them virgins,

'uruban atraabaa
[56:37] Loving, equals in age,

Li-ash-haabi lyamiin
[56:38] For the sake of the companions of the right hand.

Tsullatun mina l-awwaliin
[56:39] A numerous company from among the first,

Watsullatun mina l-aakhiriin
[56:40] And a numerous company from among the last.

Wa-ash-haabu sysyimaali maa ash-haabu sysyimaal
[56:41] And those of the left hand, how wretched are those of the left hand!

Fii samuumin wahamiim
[56:42] In hot wind and boiling water,

Wazhillin min yahmuum
[56:43] And the shade of black smoke,

Laa baaridin walaa kariim
[56:44] Neither cool nor honorable.

Innahum kaanuu qabla dzaalika mutrafiin
[56:45] Surely they were before that made to live in ease and plenty.

Wakaanuu yushirruuna 'alaa lhintsi l'azhiim
[56:46] And they persisted in the great violation.

Wakaanuu yaquuluuna a-idzaa mitnaa wakunnaa turaaban wa'izhaaman a-innaa lamab'uutsuun
[56:47] And they used to say: What! when we die and have become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised?

Awa aabaaunaa l-awwaluun
[56:48] Or our fathers of yore?

Qul inna l-awwaliina wal-aakhiriin
[56:49] Say: The first and the last,

Lamajmuu'uuna ilaa miiqaati yawmin ma'luum
[56:50] Shall most surely be gathered together for the appointed hour of a known day.

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There are 96 verses in Surah Al-Waaqi'ah (Al-Waqi'ah)

Tags: Al-Waaqi, #039;ah (Al-Waqi, #039;ah), Al Quran, Pts-ptn, on them facing one another, QS, Al Waaqi, #039;ah (Al Waqi, #039;ah) [56] : verse 17 [56:17] Round about them shall go youths never altering in age, QS, Al Waaqi, #039;ah (Al Waqi, #039;ah) [56] : verse 18 [56:18] With goblets and ewers and a cup of pure drink;, QS, Al Waaqi, #039;ah (Al Waqi, #039;ah) [56] : verse 19 [56:19] They shall not be affected with headache thereby nor shall they get exhausted, QS, Al Waaqi, #039;ah (Al Waqi, #039;ah) [56] : verse 20 [56:20] And fruits such as they choose, QS, Al Waaqi, #039;ah (Al Waqi, #039;ah) [56] : verse 21 [56:21] And the flesh of fowl such as they desir, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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