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As-Sajdah (As-Sajdah)
Meaning: Prostrating (Sujud)
Surah Number: 32 = 30 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [32:30]

[32:1] Alif Lam Mim.

Tanziilu lkitaabi laa rayba fiihi min rabbi l'aalamiin
[32:2] The revelation of the Book, there is no doubt in it, is from the Lord of the worlds.

Am yaquuluuna iftaraahu bal huwa lhaqqu min rabbika litundzira qawman maa ataahum min nadziirin min qablika la'allahum yahtaduun
[32:3] Or do they say: He has forged it? Nay! it is the truth from your Lord that you may warn a people to whom no warner has come before you, that they may follow the right direction.

Allaahulladzii khalaqa ssamaawaati wal-ardha wamaa baynahumaa fii sittati ayyaamin tsumma istawaa 'alaa l'arsyi maa lakum min duunihi min waliyyin walaa syafii'in afalaa tatadzakkaruun
[32:4] Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods, and He mounted the throne (of authority); you have not besides Him any guardian or any intercessor, will you not then mind?

Yudabbiru l-amra mina ssamaa-i ilaa l-ardhi tsumma ya'ruju ilayhi fii yawmin kaana miqdaaruhu lfa sanatin mimmaa ta'udduun
[32:5] He regulates the affair from the heaven to the earth; then shall it ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.

Dzaalika 'aalimu lghaybi wasysyahaadati l'aziizu rrahiim
[32:6] This is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty the Merciful,

Alladzii ahsana kulla syay-in khalaqahu wabada-a khalqa l-insaani min thiin
[32:7] Who made good everything that He has created, and He began the creation of man from dust.

Tsumma ja'ala naslahu min sulaalatin min maa-in mahiin
[32:8] Then He made his progeny of an extract, of water held in light estimation.

Tsumma sawwaahu wanafakha fiihi min ruuhihi waja'ala lakumu ssam'a wal-abshaara wal-af-idata qaliilan maa tasykuruun
[32:9] Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and made for you the ears and the eyes and the hearts; little is it that you give thanks.

Waqaaluu a-idzaa dhalaalnaa fii l-ardhi a-innaa lafii khalqin jadiidin bal hum biliqaa-i rabbihim kaafiruun
[32:10] And they say: What! when we have become lost in the earth, shall we then certainly be in a new creation? Nay! they are disbelievers in the meeting of their Lord.

Qul yatawaffaakum malaku lmawtilladzii wukkila bikum tsumma ilaa rabbikum turja'uun
[32:11] Say: The angel of death who is given charge of you shall cause you to die, then to your Lord you shall be brought back.

Walaw taraa idzi lmujrimuuna naakisuu ruuusihim 'inda rabbihim rabbanaa absharnaa wasami'naa fa-arji'naa na'mal shaalihan innaa muuqinuun
[32:12] And could you but see when the guilty shall hang down their heads before their Lord: Our Lord! we have seen and we have heard, therefore send us back, we will do good; surely (now) we are certain.

Walaw syi-naa laaataynaa kulla nafsin hudaahaa walaakin haqqa lqawlu minnii la-amla-anna jahannama mina ljinnati wannaasi ajma'iin
[32:13] And if We had pleased We would certainly have given to every soul its guidance, but the word (which had gone forth) from Me was just: I will certainly fill hell with the jinn and men together.

Fadzuuquu bimaa nasiitum liqaa-a yawmikum haadzaa innaa nasiinaakum wadzuuquu 'adzaaba lkhuldi bimaa kuntum ta'maluun
[32:14] So taste, because you neglected the meeting of this day of yours; surely We forsake you; and taste the abiding chastisement for what you did.

Innamaa yu/minu bi-aayaatinaalladziina idzaa dzukkiruu bihaa kharruu sujjadan wasabbahuu bihamdi rabbihim wahum laa yastakbiruun
[32:15] Only they believe in Our communications who, when they are reminded of them, fall down making obeisance and celebrate the praise of their Lord, and they are not proud.

Tatajaafaa junuubuhum 'ani lmadaaji'i yad'uuna rabbahum khawfan wathama'an wamimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiquun
[32:16] Their sides draw away from (their) beds, they call upon their Lord in fear and in hope, and they spend (benevolently) out of what We have given them.

Falaa ta'lamu nafsun maa ukhfiya lahum min qurrati a'yunin jazaa-an bimaa kaanuu ya'maluun
[32:17] So no soul knows what is hidden for them of that which will refresh the eyes; a reward for what they did.

Afaman kaana mu/minan kaman kaana faasiqan laa yastawuun
[32:18] Is he then who is a believer like him who is a transgressor? They are not equal.

Ammaalladziina aamanuu wa'amiluu shshaalihaati falahum jannaatu lma/waa nuzulan bimaa kaanuu ya'maluun
[32:19] As for those who believe and do good, the gardens are their abiding-place; an entertainment for what they did.

Wa-ammaalladziina fasaquu fama/waahumu nnaaru kullamaa araaduu an yakhrujuu minhaa u'iiduu fiihaa waqiila lahum dzuuquu 'adzaaba nnaarilladzii kuntum bihi tukadzdzibuun
[32:20] And as for those who transgress, their abode is the fire; whenever they desire to go forth from it they shall be brought back into it, and it will be said to them: Taste the chastisement of the fire which you called a lie.

Walanudziiqannahum mina l'adzaabi l-adnaa duuna l'adzaabi l-akbari la'allahum yarji'uun
[32:21] And most certainly We will make them taste of the nearer chastisement before the greater chastisement that haply they may turn.

Waman azhlamu mimman dzukkira bi-aayaati rabbihi tsumma a'radha 'anhaa innaa mina lmujrimiina muntaqimuun
[32:22] And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the communications of his Lord, then he turns away from them? Surely We will give punishment to the guilty.

Walaqad aataynaa muusaa lkitaaba falaa takun fii miryatin min liqaa-ihi waja'alnaahu hudan libanii israa-iil
[32:23] And certainly We gave the Book to Musa, so be not in doubt concerning the receiving of it, and We made it a guide for the children of Israel.

Waja'alnaa minhum a-immatan yahduuna bi-amrinaa lammaa shabaruu wakaanuu bi-aayaatinaa yuuqinuun
[32:24] And We made of them Imams to guide by Our command when they were patient, and they were certain of Our communications.

Inna rabbaka huwa yafshilu baynahum yawma lqiyaamati fiimaa kaanuu fiihi yakhtalifuun
[32:25] Surely your Lord will judge between them on the day of resurrection concerning that wherein they differ.

Awa lam yahdi lahum kam ahlaknaa min qablihim mina lquruuni yamsyuuna fii masaakinihim inna fii dzaalika laaayaatin afalaa yasma'uun
[32:26] Does it not point out to them the right way, how many of the generations, in whose abodes they go about, did We destroy before them? Most surely there are signs in this; will they not then hear?

Awa lam yaraw annaa nasuuqu lmaa-a ilaa l-ardhi ljuruzi fanukhriju bihi zar'an ta-kulu minhu an'aamuhum wa-anfusuhum afalaa yubshiruun
[32:27] Do they not see that We drive the water to a land having no herbage, then We bring forth thereby seed-produce of which their cattle and they themselves eat; will they not then see?

Wayaquuluuna mataa haadzaa lfathu in kuntum shaadiqiin
[32:28] And they say: When will this judgment take place, If you are truthful?

Qul yawma lfathi laa yanfa'ulladziina kafaruu iimaanuhum walaa hum yunzharuun
[32:29] Say: On the day of judgment the faith of those who (now) disbelieve will not profit them, nor will they be respited.

Fa-a'ridh 'anhum wantazhir innahum muntazhiruun
[32:30] Therefore turn away from them and wait, surely they too are waiting.

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There are 30 verses in Surah As-Sajdah (As-Sajdah)

Tags: Surah As-Sajdah (As-Sajdah), Holy Book Qur, #039;an Multilingual and Arabic Recitation, Prostrating, [32] : verse 8 [32:8] Then He made his progeny of an extract of water held in light estimation, QS, As Sajdah (As Sajdah) [32] : verse 9 [32:9] Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit and made for you the ears and the eyes and the hearts; little is it that you give thanks, QS, As Sajdah (As Sajdah) [32] : verse 10 [32:10] And they say: What! when we have become lost in the earth shall we then certainly be in a new creation? Nay! they are disbelievers in the meeting of their Lord, QS, As Sajdah (As Sajdah) [32] : verse 11 [32:11] Say: The angel of death who is given charge, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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