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Shaad (Sad)
Meaning: Shaad (Shaad)
Surah Number: 38 = 88 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [38:88]

Shaad walqur-aani dzii dzdzikr
[38:1] Suad, I swear by the Quran, full of admonition.

Balilladziina kafaruu fii 'izzatin wasyiqaaq
[38:2] Nay! those who disbelieve are in self-exaltation and opposition.

Kam ahlaknaa min qablihim min qarnin fanaadaw walaata hiina manaas
[38:3] How many did We destroy before them of the generations, then they cried while the time of escaping had passed away.

Wa'ajibuu an jaa-ahum mundzirun minhum waqaala lkaafiruuna haatsa saahirun kadzdzaab
[38:4] And they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among themselves, and the disbelievers say: This is an enchanter, a liar.

Aja'ala l-aalihata ilaahan waahidan inna haadzaa lasyay-un 'ujaab
[38:5] What! makes he the gods a single God? A strange thing is this, to be sure!

Wanthalaqa lmalau minhum ani imsyuu washbiruu 'alaa aalihatikum inna haadzaa lasyay-un yuraad
[38:6] And the chief persons of them break forth, saying: Go and steadily adhere to your gods; this is most surely a thing sought after.

Maa sami'naa bihaadzaa fii lmillati l-aakhirati in haadzaa illaa ikhtilaaq
[38:7] We never heard of this in the former faith; this is nothing but a forgery:

Aunzila 'alayhi dzdzikru min bayninaa bal hum fii syakkin min dzikrii bal lammaa yadzuuquu 'adzaab
[38:8] Has the reminder been revealed to him from among us? Nay! they are in doubt as to My reminder. Nay! they have not yet tasted My chastisement!

Am 'indahum khazaa-inu rahmati rabbika l'aziizi lwahhaab
[38:9] Or is it that they have the treasures of the mercy of your Lord, the Mighty, the great Giver?

Am lahum mulku ssamaawaati wal-ardhi wamaa baynahumaa falyartaquu fii l-asbaab
[38:10] Or is it that theirs is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them ascend by any

Jundun maa hunaalika mahzuumun mina l-ahzaab
[38:11] A host of deserters of the allies shall be here put to flight.

Kadzdzabat qablahum qawmu nuuhin wa'aadun wafir'awnu dzuu l-awtaad
[38:12] The people of Nuh and Ad, and Firon, the lord of spikes, rejected (apostles) before them.

Watsamuudu waqawmu luuthin wa-ash-haabu l-aykati ulaa-ika l-ahzaab
[38:13] And Samood and the people of Lut and the dwellers of the thicket; these were the parties.

In kullun illaa kadzdzaba rrusula fahaqqa 'iqaab
[38:14] There was none of them but called the apostles liars, so just was My retribution.

Wamaa yanzhuru haaulaa-i illaa shayhatan waahidatan maa lahaa min fawaaq
[38:15] Nor do these await aught but a single cry, there being no delay in it.

Waqaaluu rabbanaa 'ajjil lanaa qiththhanaa qabla yawmi lhisaab
[38:16] And they say: O our Lord! hasten on to us our portion before the day of reckoning.

Ishbir 'alaa maa yaquuluuna wadzkur 'abdanaa daawuuda dzaa l-aydi innahu awwaab
[38:17] Bear patiently what they say, and remember Our servant Dawood, the possessor of power; surely he was frequent in returning (to Allah).

Innaa sakhkharnaa ljibaala ma'ahu yusabbihna bil'asyiyyi wal-isyraaq
[38:18] Surely We made the mountains to sing the glory (of Allah) in unison with him at the evening and the sunrise,

Waththhayra mahsyuuratan kullun lahu awwaab
[38:19] And the birds gathered together; all joined in singing with him.

Wasyadadnaa mulkahu waaataynaahu lhikmata wafashla lkhithaab
[38:20] And We strengthened his kingdom and We gave him wisdom and a clear judgment.

Wahal ataaka nabau lkhashmi idz tasawwaruu lmihraab
[38:21] And has there come to you the story of the litigants, when they made an entry into the private chamber by ascending over the walls?

Its dakhaluu 'alaa daawuuda fafazi'a minhum qaaluu laa takhaf khashmaani baghaa ba'dhunaa 'alaa ba'dhin fahkum baynanaa bilhaqqi walaa tusythith wahdinaa ilaa sawaa-i shshiraath
[38:22] When they entered in upon Dawood and he was frightened at them, they said: Fear not; two litigants, of whom one has acted wrongfully towards the other, therefore decide between us with justice, and do not act unjustly, and guide us to the right way.

Inna haadzaa akhii lahu tis'un watis'uuna na'jatan waliya na'jatun waahidatun faqaala akfilniihaa wa'azzanii fii lkhithaab
[38:23] Surely this is my brother; he has ninety-nine ewes and I have a single ewe; but he said: Make it over to me, and he has prevailed against me in discourse.

Qaala laqad zhalamaka bisu-aali na'jatika ilaa ni'aajihi wa-inna katsiiran mina lkhulathaa-i layabghii ba'dhuhum 'alaa ba'dhin illaalladziina aamanuu wa'amiluu shshaalihaati waqaliilun maa hum wazhanna daawuudu annamaa fatannaahu fastaghfara rabbahu wakharra raaki'an wa-anaab
[38:24] He said: Surely he has been unjust to you in demanding your ewe (to add) to his own ewes; and most surely most of the partners act wrongfully towards one another, save those who believe and do good, and very few are they; and Dawood was sure that We had tried him, so he sought the protection of his Lord and he fell down bowing and turned time after time (to Him).

Faghafarnaa lahu dzaalika wa-inna lahu 'indanaa lazulfaa wahusna maaab
[38:25] Therefore We rectified for him this, and most surely he had a nearness to Us and an excellent resort.

Yaa daawuudu innaa ja'alnaaka khaliifatan fii l-ardhi fahkum bayna nnaasi bilhaqqi walaa tattabi'i lhawaa fayudhillaka 'an sabiilillaahi innalladziina yadhilluuna 'an sabiilillaahi lahum 'adzaabun syadiidun bimaa nasuu yawma lhisaab
[38:26] o Dawood ! surely We have made you a ruler in the land; so judge between men with justice and do not follow desire, lest it should lead you astray from the path of Allah; (as for) those who go astray from the path of Allah, they shall surely have a severe punishment because they forgot the day of reckoning.

Wamaa khalaqnaa ssamaa-a wal-ardha wamaa baynahumaa baathilan dzaalika zhannulladziina kafaruu fawaylun lilladziina kafaruu mina nnaar
[38:27] And We did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain; that is the opinion of those who disbelieve then woe to those who disbelieve on account of the fire.

Am naj'alulladziina aamanuu wa'amiluu shshaalihaati kalmufsidiina fii l-ardhi am naj'alu lmuttaqiina kalfujjaar
[38:28] Shall We treat those who believe and do good like the mischief-makers in the earth? Or shall We make those who guard (against evil) like the wicked?

Kitaabun anzalnaahu ilayka mubaarakun liyaddabbaruu aayaatihi waliyatadzakkara uluu l-albaab
[38:29] (It is) a Book We have revealed to you abounding in good that they may ponder over its verses, and that those endowed with understanding may be mindful.

Wawahabnaa lidaawuuda sulaymaana ni'ma l'abdu innahu awwaab
[38:30] And We gave to Dawood Sulaiman, most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent in returning (to Allah).

Idz 'uridha 'alayhi bil'asyiyyi shshaafinaatu ljiyaad
[38:31] When there were brought to him in the evening (horses) still when standing, swift when running --

Faqaala innii ahbabtu hubba lkhayri 'an dzikri rabbii hattaa tawaarat bilhijaab
[38:32] Then he said: Surely I preferred the good things to the remembrance of my Lord -- until the sun set and time for Asr prayer was over, (he said):

Rudduuhaa 'alayya fathafiqa mashan bissuuqi wal-a'naaq
[38:33] Bring them back to me; so he began to slash (their) legs and necks.

Walaqad fatannaa sulaymaana wa-alqaynaa 'alaa kursiyyihi jasadan tsumma anaab
[38:34] And certainly We tried Sulaiman, and We put on his throne a (mere) body, so he turned (to Allah).

Qaala rabbi ighfir lii wahab lii mulkan laa yanbaghii li-ahadin min ba'dii innaka anta lwahhaab
[38:35] He said: My Lord! do Thou forgive me and grant me a kingdom which is not fit for (being inherited by) anyone after me;

Fasakhkharnaa lahu rriiha tajrii bi-amrihi rukhaa-an haytsu ashaab
[38:36] Then We made the wind subservient to him; it made his command to run gently wherever he desired,

Wasysyayaathiina kulla bannaa-in waghawwaas
[38:37] And the shaitans, every builder and diver,

Waaakhariina muqarraniina fii l-ashfaad
[38:38] And others fettered in chains.

Haadzaa 'athaaunaa famnun aw amsik bighayri hisaab
[38:39] This is Our free gift, therefore give freely or withhold, without reckoning.

Wa-inna lahu 'indanaa lazulfaa wahusna maaab
[38:40] And most surely he had a nearness to Us and an excellent resort.

Wadzkur 'abdanaa ayyuuba idz naadaa rabbahu annii massaniya sysyaythaanu binushbin wa'adzaab
[38:41] And remember Our servant Ayyub, when he called upon his Lord: The Shaitan has afflicted me with toil and torment.

Urkudh birijlika haadzaa mughtasalun baaridun wasyaraab
[38:42] Urge with your foot; here is a cool washing-place and a drink.

Wawahabnaa lahu ahlahu wamitslahum ma'ahum rahmatan minnaa wadzikraa li-ulii l-albaab
[38:43] And We gave him his family and the like of them with them, as a mercy from Us, and as a reminder to those possessed of understanding.

Wakhudz biyadika dhightsan fadhrib bihi walaa tahnats innaa wajadnaahu shaabiran ni'ma l'abdu innahu awwaab
[38:44] And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with It and do not break your oath; surely We found him patient; most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent in returning (to Allah).

Wadzkur 'ibaadanaa ibraahiima wa-ishaaqa waya'quuba ulii l-aydii wal-abshaar
[38:45] And remember Our servants Ibrahim and Ishaq and Yaqoub, men of power and insight.

Innaa akhlashnaahum bikhaalishatin dzikraa ddaar
[38:46] Surely We purified them by a pure quality, the keeping in mind of the (final) abode.

Wa-innahum 'indanaa lamina lmusthafayna l-akhyaar
[38:47] And most surely they were with Us, of the elect, the best.

Wadzkur ismaa'iila wa-ilyasa'a wadzaa lkifli wakullun mina l-akhyaar
[38:48] And remember Ismail and Al-Yasha and Zulkifl; and they were all of the best.

Haadzaa dzikrun wa-inna lilmuttaqiina lahusna maaab
[38:49] This is a reminder; and most surely there is an excellent resort for those who guard (against evil),

Jannaati 'adnin mufattahatan lahumu l-abwaab
[38:50] The gardens of perpetuity, the doors are opened for them.

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There are 88 verses in Surah Shaad (Sad)

Tags: Shaad (Sad) [38:88], Shaad, Al-Quran Multilingual and Arabic Recitation, ord of spikes rejected (apostles) before them, QS, Shaad (Sad) [38] : verse 13 [38:13] And Samood and the people of Lut and the dwellers of the thicket; these were the parties, QS, Shaad (Sad) [38] : verse 14 [38:14] There was none of them but called the apostles liars so just was My retribution, QS, Shaad (Sad) [38] : verse 15 [38:15] Nor do these await aught but a single cry there being no delay in it, QS, Shaad (Sad) [38] : verse 16 [38:16] And they say: O our Lord! hasten on to us our portion before the day of reckoning, QS, Shaad (Sad) [38] : verse 17 [38:17] Bear patiently what they say, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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