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Al-Haaqqah (Al-Haqqah)
Meaning: The Sure Reality (Hari Kiamat)
Surah Number: 69 = 52 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [69:52]

[69:1] The sure calamity!
[69:1] Hari kiamat

Maa lhaaqqa
[69:2] What is the sure calamity!
[69:2] apakah hari kiamat itu?

Wamaa adraaka maa lhaaqqa
[69:3] And what would make you realize what the sure calamity is!
[69:3] Dan tahukah kamu apakah hari kiamat itu?

Kadzdzabat tsamuudu wa'aadun bilqaari'a
[69:4] Samood and Ad called the striking calamity a lie.
[69:4] Kaum Tsamud dan 'Aad telah mendustakan hari kiamat.

Fa-ammaa tsamuudu fauhlikuu biththaaghiya
[69:5] Then as to Samood, they were destroyed by an excessively severe punishment.
[69:5] Adapun kaum Tsamud, maka mereka telah dibinasakan dengan kejadian yang luar biasa.

Wa-ammaa 'aadun fauhlikuu biriihin sharsharin 'aatiya
[69:6] And as to Ad, they were destroyed by a roaring, violent blast.
[69:6] Adapun kaum 'Aad maka mereka telah dibinasakan dengan angin yang sangat dingin lagi amat kencang,

Sakhkharahaa 'alayhim sab'a layaalin watsamaaniyata ayyaamin husuuman fataraa lqawma fiihaa shar'aa ka-annahum a'jaazu nakhlin khaawiya
[69:7] Which He made to prevail against them for seven nights and eight days unremittingly, so that you might have seen the people therein prostrate as if they were the trunks of hollow palms.
[69:7] yang Allah menimpakan angin itu kepada mereka selama tujuh malam dan delapan hari terus menerus; maka kamu lihat kaum 'Aad pada waktu itu mati bergelimpangan seakan-akan mereka tunggul pohon kurma yang telah kosong (lapuk).

Fahal taraa lahum min baaqiya
[69:8] Do you then see of them one remaining?
[69:8] Maka kamu tidak melihat seorangpun yang tinggal di antara mereka.

Wajaa-a fir'awnu waman qablahu walmu/tafikaatu bilkhaathi-a
[69:9] And Firon and those before him and the overthrown cities continuously committed sins.
[69:9] Dan telah datang Firaun dan orang-orang yang sebelumnya dan (penduduk) negeri-negeri yang dijungkir balikkan karena kesalahan yang besar.

Fa'ashaw rasuula rabbihim fa-akhadzahum akhdzatan raabiya
[69:10] And they disobeyed the Apostle of their Lord, so He punished them with a vehement punishment.
[69:10] Maka (masing-masing) mereka mendurhakai rasul Tuhan mereka, lalu Allah menyiksa mereka dengan siksaan yang sangat keras.

Innaa lammaa thaghaa lmaau hamalnaakum fii ljaariya
[69:11] Surely We bore you up in the ship when the water rose high,
[69:11] Sesungguhnya Kami, tatkala air telah naik (sampai ke gunung) Kami bawa (nenek moyang) kamu, ke dalam bahtera,

Linaj'alahaa lakum tadzkiratan wata'iyahaa udzunun waa'iya
[69:12] So that We may make it a reminder to you, and that the retaining ear might retain it.
[69:12] agar Kami jadikan peristiwa itu peringatan bagi kamu dan agar diperhatikan oleh telinga yang mau mendengar.

Fa-idzaa nufikha fii shshuuri nafkhatun waahida
[69:13] And when the trumpet is blown with a single blast,
[69:13] Maka apabila sangkakala ditiup sekali tiup,

Wahumilati l-ardhu waljibaalu fadukkataa dakkatan waahida
[69:14] And the earth and the mountains are borne away and crushed with a single crushing.
[69:14] dan diangkatlah bumi dan gunung-gunung, lalu dibenturkan keduanya sekali bentur.

Fayawma-idzin waqa'ati lwaaqi'a
[69:15] On that day shall the great event come to pass,
[69:15] Maka pada hari itu terjadilah hari kiamat,

Wansyaqqati ssamaau fahiya yawma-idzin waahiya
[69:16] And the heaven shall cleave asunder, so that on that day it shall be frail,
[69:16] dan terbelahlah langit, karena pada hari itu langit menjadi lemah.

Walmalaku 'alaa arjaa-ihaa wayahmilu 'arsya rabbika fawqahum yawma-idzin tsamaaniya
[69:17] And the angels shall be on the sides thereof; and above ) I them eight shall bear on that day your Lord's power.
[69:17] Dan malaikat-malaikat berada di penjuru-penjuru langit. Dan pada hari itu delapan orang malaikat menjunjung 'Arsy Tuhanmu di atas (kepala) mereka.

Yawma-idzin tu'radhuuna laa takhfaa minkum khaafiya
[69:18] On that day you shall be exposed to view -- no secret of yours shall remain hidden.
[69:18] Pada hari itu kamu dihadapkan (kepada Tuhanmu), tiada sesuatu pun dari keadaanmu yang tersembunyi (bagi Allah).

Fa-ammaa man uutiya kitaabahu biyamiinihi fayaquulu haaumu iqrauu kitaabiyah
[69:19] Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: Lo! read my book:
[69:19] Adapun orang-orang yang diberikan kepadanya kitabnya dari sebelah kanannya, maka dia berkata: "Ambillah, bacalah kitabku (ini)".

Innii zhanantu annii mulaaqin hisaabiyah
[69:20] Surely I knew that I shall meet my account.
[69:20] Sesungguhnya aku yakin, bahwa sesungguhnya aku akan menemui hisab terhadap diriku.

Fahuwa fii 'iisyatin raadiya
[69:21] So he shall be in a life of pleasure,
[69:21] Maka orang itu berada dalam kehidupan yang diridhai,

Fii jannatin 'aaliya
[69:22] In a lofty garden,
[69:22] dalam surga yang tinggi,

Quthuufuhaa daaniya
[69:23] The fruits of which are near at hand:
[69:23] buah-buahannya dekat,

Kuluu wasyrabuu hanii-an bimaa aslaftum fii l-ayyaami lkhaaliya
[69:24] Eat and drink pleasantly for what you did beforehand in the days gone by.
[69:24] (kepada mereka dikatakan): "Makan dan minumlah dengan sedap disebabkan amal yang telah kamu kerjakan pada hari-hari yang telah lalu".

Wa-ammaa man uutiya kitaabahu bisyimaalihi fayaquulu yaa laytanii lam uuta kitaabiyah
[69:25] And as for him who is given his book in his left hand he shall say: O would that my book had never been given me:
[69:25] Adapun orang yang diberikan kepadanya kitabnya dari sebelah kirinya, maka dia berkata: "Wahai alangkah baiknya kiranya tidak diberikan kepadaku kitabku (ini).

Walam adri maa hisaabiyah
[69:26] And I had not known what my account was:
[69:26] Dan aku tidak mengetahui apa hisab terhadap diriku.

Yaa laytahaa kaanati lqaadiya
[69:27] O would that it had made an end (of me):
[69:27] Wahai kiranya kematian itulah yang menyelesaikan segala sesuatu.

Maa aghnaa 'annii maaliyah
[69:28] My wealth has availed me nothing:
[69:28] Hartaku sekali-kali tidak memberi manfaat kepadaku.

Halaka 'annii sulthaaniyah
[69:29] My authority is gone away from me.
[69:29] Telah hilang kekuasaanku daripadaku.

Khudzuuhu faghulluuh
[69:30] Lay hold on him, then put a chain on him,
[69:30] (Allah berfirman): "Peganglah dia lalu belenggulah tangannya ke lehernya.

Tsumma ljahiima shalluuh
[69:31] Then cast him into the burning fire,
[69:31] Kemudian masukkanlah dia ke dalam api neraka yang menyala-nyala.

Tsumma fii silsilatin dzar'uhaa sab'uuna dziraa'an faslukuuh
[69:32] Then thrust him into a chain the length of which is seventy cubits.
[69:32] Kemudian belitlah dia dengan rantai yang panjangnya tujuh puluh hasta.

Innahu kaana laa yu/minu bilaahi l'azhiim
[69:33] Surely he did not believe in Allah, the Great,
[69:33] Sesungguhnya dia dahulu tidak beriman kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar.

Walaa yahudhdhu 'alaa tha'aami lmiskiin
[69:34] Nor did he urge the feeding of the poor.
[69:34] Dan juga dia tidak mendorong (orang lain) untuk memberi makan orang miskin.

Falaysa lahu lyawma haahunaa hamiim
[69:35] Therefore he has not here today a true friend,
[69:35] Maka tiada seorang temanpun baginya pada hari ini di sini.

Walaa tha'aamun illaa min ghisliin
[69:36] Nor any food except refuse,
[69:36] Dan tiada (pula) makanan sedikitpun (baginya) kecuali dari darah dan nanah.

Laa ya/kuluhu illaa lkhaathi-uun
[69:37] Which none but the wrongdoers eat.
[69:37] Tidak ada yang memakannya kecuali orang-orang yang berdosa.

Falaa uqsimu bimaa tubshiruun
[69:38] But nay! I swear by that which you see,
[69:38] Maka Aku bersumpah dengan apa yang kamu lihat.

Wamaa laa tubshiruun
[69:39] And that which you do not see.
[69:39] Dan dengan apa yang tidak kamu lihat.

Innahu laqawlu rasuulin kariim
[69:40] Most surely, it is the Word brought by an honored Apostle,
[69:40] Sesungguhnya Al Qur'an itu adalah benar-benar wahyu (Allah yang diturunkan kepada) Rasul yang mulia,

Wamaa huwa biqawli syaa'irin qaliilan maa tu/minuun
[69:41] And it is not the word of a poet; little is it that you believe;
[69:41] dan Al Qur'an itu bukanlah perkataan seorang penyair. Sedikit sekali kamu beriman kepadanya.

Walaa biqawli kaahinin qaliilan maa tadzakkaruun
[69:42] Nor the word of a soothsayer; little is it that you mind.
[69:42] Dan bukan pula perkataan tukang tenung. Sedikit sekali kamu mengambil pelajaran daripadanya.

Tanziilun min rabbi l'aalamiin
[69:43] It is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
[69:43] Ia adalah wahyu yang diturunkan dari Tuhan semesta alam.

Walaw taqawwala 'alaynaa ba'dha l-aqaawiil
[69:44] And if he had fabricated against Us some of the sayings,
[69:44] Seandainya dia (Muhammad) mengadakan sebagian perkataan atas (nama) Kami,

La-akhadznaa minhu bilyamiin
[69:45] We would certainly have seized him by the right hand,
[69:45] niscaya benar-benar Kami pegang dia pada tangan kanannya.

Tsumma laqatha'naa minhu lwatiin
[69:46] Then We would certainly have cut off his aorta.
[69:46] Kemudian benar-benar Kami potong urat tali jantungnya.

Famaa minkum min ahadin 'anhu haajiziin
[69:47] And not one of you could have withheld Us from him.
[69:47] Maka sekali-kali tidak ada seorangpun dari kamu yang dapat menghalangi (Kami), dari pemotongan urat nadi itu.

Wa-innahu latadzkiratun lilmuttaqiin
[69:48] And most surely it is a reminder for those who guard (against evil).
[69:48] Dan sesungguhnya Al Qur'an itu benar-benar suatu pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.

Wa-innaa lana'lamu anna minkum mukadzdzibiin
[69:49] And most surely We know that some of you are rejecters.
[69:49] Dan sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar mengetahui bahwa di antara kamu ada orang yang mendustakan(nya).

Wa-innahu lahasratun 'alaa lkaafiriin
[69:50] And most surely it is a great grief to the unbelievers.
[69:50] Dan sesungguhnya Al Qur'an itu benar-benar menjadi penyesalan bagi orang-orang kafir (di akhirat).

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There are 52 verses in Surah Al-Haaqqah (Al-Haqqah)

Tags: Al-Haaqqah (Al-Haqqah), Qoran, The Sure Reality, qah (Al Haqqah) [69] : verse 10 [69:10] And they disobeyed the Apostle of their Lord so He punished them with a vehement punishment, QS, Al Haaqqah (Al Haqqah) [69] : verse 11 [69:11] Surely We bore you up in the ship when the water rose high, QS, Al Haaqqah (Al Haqqah) [69] : verse 12 [69:12] So that We may make it a reminder to you and that the retaining ear might retain it, QS, Al Haaqqah (Al Haqqah) [69] : verse 13 [69:13] And when the trumpet is blown with a single blast, QS, Al Haaqqah (Al Haqqah) [69] : verse 14 [69:14] And the earth and the mountains are borne away and crushed with a s, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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P2KKMIndependent University of Indonesia
P2KKMPoliteknik Bhakti Kartini

P2KKMUniversitas Bali Dwipa
P2KKMPoltek Ganesha Guru Singaraja

P2KKMSTT Yuppentek
P2KKMITB Ahmad Dahlan
P2KKMUniv. Tangerang Raya
P2KKMSTIA Maulana Yusuf
P2KKMSTIH Gunung Jati

P2KKMUNSUB - Universitas Subang

P2KKMSTIT Al-Hidayah Tasikmalaya

P2KKMSTIE Walisongo
P2KKMSTT Walisongo

P2KKMUniv. Islam Al-Ihya

P2KKMSTT Dr. Khez Muttaqien

P2KKMIMWI Sukabumi

P2KKMSTIH Dharma Andigha
P2KKMNusantara Technology University

P2KKMSTT Muhammadiyah Cileungsi

P2KKMSTT Mandala, Bandung
P2KKMSTT Bandung
P2KKMSTIE Gema Widya Bangsa
P2KKMUniversity of Insan Cendekia Mandiri
P2KKMHalim Sanusi University
P2KKMIslamic Unity University

P2KKMSTIH Dharma Andigha

P2KKMISTA - Institut ST Al Kamal
P2KKMSTIE IGI - Inter. Golden Inst.
P2KKMUniv. Mpu Tantular A - Jakbar

P2KKMU M J - Univ. Muh. Jkt

P2KKMFISIP UMJ - Univ. Muh. Jkt.
P2KKMFTan UMJ - Agroteknologi
P2KKMSTIE Trianandra Jakarta
P2KKMTanri Abeng University

P2KKMUMHT - Univ. MH. Thamrin
P2KKMUNKRIS - Krisnadwipayana
P2KKMITBU - Inst. Tek. Budi Utomo
P2KKMSTIE Trianandra Jakarta
P2KKMSTMIK Muh. Jkt - Matraman
P2KKMSTMIK Muh. Jkt - Ciracas
P2KKMUniv. Mpu Tantular A - Jaktim
P2KKMSTT Sapta Taruna
P2KKMIAI Al-Ghurabaa Jakarta

P2KKMSTT Dr. Khez Muttaqien

P2KKMISIF - Institut Studi Islam Fahmina

P2KKMSTEBI Global Mulia

P2KKMSTIKes Sapta Bakti
P2KKMSTAI Miftahul ulum

P2KKMPoltekkes Kerta Cendekia

P2KKMPelita Raya Institute

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@ al-quran.pts-ptn.net
1. ISTA Jakarta - Institute of Science and Technology Al Kamal Jakarta - Campus ISTA : Jl. Raya Al Kamal No.2, Kedoya Selatan, Tol Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
(satu area dengan Rumah Sakit Puri Mandiri Kedoya (Al Kamal))
2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakar - University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta - Campus : Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat Jakarta Selatan 15419
3. ITBU Jakarta - Budi Utomo Jakarta Institute of Technology - Campus ITBU : Jl. Raya Mawar Merah No. 23, Pondok Kopi, Perumnas Klender, Jakarta Timur 13460
4. UNKRIS Jakarta - University of Krisnadwipayana Jakarta - Campus UNKRIS : Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin, Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur 13077
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