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Thaahaa (Thaha)
Meaning: Thaa Haa (Thaa Haa)
Surah Number: 20 = 135 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [20:101-135]

Khaalidiina fiihi wasaa-a lahum yawma lqiyaamati himlaa
[20:101] Abiding in this (state), and evil will it be for them to bear on the day of resurrection;
[20:101] mereka kekal di dalam keadaan itu. Dan amat buruklah dosa itu sebagai beban bagi mereka di hari kiamat,

Yawma yunfakhu fii shshuuri wanahsyuru lmujrimiina yawma-idzin zurqaa
[20:102] On the day when the trumpet shall be blown, and We will gather the guilty, blue-eyed, on that day
[20:102] (yaitu) di hari (yang di waktu itu) ditiup sangkakala dan Kami akan mengumpulkan pada hari itu orang-orang yang berdosa dengan muka yang biru muram;

Yatakhaafatuuna baynahum in labitstum illaa 'asyraa
[20:103] They shall consult together secretly: You did tarry but ten (centuries).
[20:103] mereka berbisik-bisik di antara mereka: "Kamu tidak berdiam (di dunia) melainkan hanyalah sepuluh (hari)"

Nahnu a'lamu bimaa yaquuluuna idz yaquulu amtsaluhum thariiqatan in labitstum illaa yawmaa
[20:104] We know best what they say, when the fairest of them in course would say: You tarried but a day.
[20:104] Kami lebih mengetahui apa yang mereka katakan, ketika berkata orang yang paling lurus jalannya di antara mereka: "Kamu tidak berdiam (di dunia), melainkan hanyalah sehari saja".

Wayas-aluunaka 'ani ljibaali faqul yansifuhaa rabbii nasfaa
[20:105] And they ask you about the mountains. Say: My Lord will carry them away from the roots.
[20:105] Dan mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang gunung-gunung, maka katakanlah: "Tuhanku akan menghancurkannya (di hari kiamat) sehancur-hancurnya,

Fayadzaruhaa qaa'an shafshafaa
[20:106] Then leave it a plain, smooth level
[20:106] maka Dia akan menjadikan (bekas) gunung-gunung itu datar sama sekali,

Laa taraa fiihaa 'iwajan walaa amtaa
[20:107] You shall not see therein any crookedness or unevenness.
[20:107] tidak ada sedikitpun kamu lihat padanya tempat yang rendah dan yang tinggi-tinggi.

Yawma-idzin yattabi'uuna ddaa'iya laa 'iwaja lahu wakhasya'ati l-ashwaatu lirrahmaani falaa tasma'u illaa hamsaa
[20:108] On that day they shall follow the inviter, there is no crookedness in him, and the voices shall be low before the Beneficent God so that you shall not hear aught but a soft sound.
[20:108] Pada hari itu manusia mengikuti (menuju kepada suara) penyeru dengan tidak berbelok-belok; dan merendahlah semua suara kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, maka kamu tidak mendengar kecuali bisikan saja.

Yawma-idzin laa tanfa'u sysyafaa'atu illaa man adzina lahu rrahmaanu waradhiya lahu qawlaa
[20:109] On that day shall no intercession avail except of him whom the Beneficent God allows and whose word He is pleased with.
[20:109] Pada hari itu tidak berguna syafa'at, kecuali (syafa'at) orang yang Allah Maha Pemurah telah memberi izin kepadanya, dan Dia telah meridhai perkataannya.

Ya'lamu maa bayna aydiihim wamaa khalfahum walaa yuhiithuuna bihi 'ilmaa
[20:110] He knows what is before them and what is behind them, while they do not comprehend it in knowledge.
[20:110] Dia mengetahui apa yang ada di hadapan mereka dan apa yang ada di belakang mereka, sedang ilmu mereka tidak dapat meliputi ilmu-Nya.

Wa'anati lwujuuhu lilhayyi lqayyuumi waqad khaaba man hamala zhulmaa
[20:111] And the faces shall be humbled before the Living, the Self-subsistent God, and he who bears iniquity is indeed a failure.
[20:111] Dan tunduklah semua muka (dengan berendah diri) kepada Tuhan Yang Hidup Kekal lagi senantiasa mengurus (makhluk-Nya). Dan sesungguhnya telah merugilah orang yang melakukan kezaliman.

Waman ya'mal mina shshaalihaati wahuwa mu/minun falaa yakhaafu zhulman walaa hadhmaa
[20:112] And whoever does good works and he is a believer, he shall have no fear of injustice nor of the withholding of his due.
[20:112] Dan barangsiapa mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh dan ia dalam keadaan beriman, maka ia tidak khawatir akan perlakuan yang tidak adil (terhadapnya) dan tidak (pula) akan pengurangan haknya.

Wakadzaalika anzalnaahu qur-aanan 'arabiyyan washarrafnaa fiihi mina lwa'iidi la'allahum yattaquuna aw yuhditsu lahum dzikraa
[20:113] And thus have We sent it down an Arabic Quran, and have distinctly set forth therein of threats that they may guard (against evil) or that it may produce a reminder for them.
[20:113] Dan demikianlah Kami menurunkan Al Qur'an dalam bahasa Arab, dan Kami telah menerangkan dengan berulang kali, di dalamnya sebagian dari ancaman, agar mereka bertakwa atau (agar) Al Qur'an itu menimbulkan pengajaran bagi mereka.

Fata'aalaallaahu lmaliku lhaqqu walaa ta'jal bilqur-aani min qabli an yuqdaa ilayka wahyuhu waqul rabbi zidnii 'ilmaa
[20:114] Supremely exalted is therefore Allah, the King, the Truth, and do not make haste with the Quran before its revelation is made complete to you and say: O my Lord ! increase me in knowledge.
[20:114] Maka Maha Tinggi Allah Raja Yang sebenar-benarnya, dan janganlah kamu tergesa-gesa membaca Al qur'an sebelum disempurnakan mewahyukannya kepadamu, dan katakanlah: "Ya Tuhanku, tambahkanlah kepadaku ilmu pengetahuan."

Walaqad 'ahidnaa ilaa aadama min qablu fanasiya walam najid lahu 'azmaa
[20:115] And certainly We gave a commandment to Adam before, but he forgot; and We did not find in him any determination.
[20:115] Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami perintahkan kepada Adam dahulu, maka ia lupa (akan perintah itu), dan tidak Kami dapati padanya kemauan yang kuat.

Wa-idz qulnaa lilmalaa-ikati usjuduu li-aadama fasajaduu illaa ibliisa abaa
[20:116] And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam, they made obeisance, but Iblis (did it not); he refused.
[20:116] Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berkata kepada malaikat: "Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam", maka mereka sujud kecuali iblis. Ia membangkang.

Faqulnaa yaa aadamu inna haadzaa 'aduwwun laka walizawjika falaa yukhrijannakumaa mina ljannati fatasyqaa
[20:117] So We said: O Adam! This is an enemy to you and to your wife; therefore let him not drive you both forth from the garden so that you should be unhappy;
[20:117] Maka Kami berkata: "Hai Adam, sesungguhnya ini (iblis) adalah musuh bagimu dan bagi isterimu, maka sekali-kali janganlah sampai ia mengeluarkan kamu berdua dari surga, yang menyebabkan kamu menjadi celaka.

Inna lakallaa tajuu'a fiihaa walaa ta'raa
[20:118] Surely it is (ordained) for you that you shall not be hungry therein nor bare of clothing;
[20:118] Sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan kelaparan di dalamnya dan tidak akan telanjang,

Wa-annaka laa tazhmau fiihaa walaa tadhaa
[20:119] And that you shall not be thirsty therein nor shall you feel the heat of the sun.
[20:119] dan sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan merasa dahaga dan tidak (pula) akan ditimpa panas matahari di dalamnya".

Fawaswasa ilayhi sysyaythaanu qaala yaa aadamu hal adulluka 'alaa syajarati lkhuldi wamulkin laa yablaa
[20:120] But the Shaitan made an evil suggestion to him; he said: O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which decays not?
[20:120] Kemudian setan membisikkan pikiran jahat kepadanya, dengan berkata: "Hai Adam, maukah saya tunjukkan kepada kamu pohon khuldi dan kerajaan yang tidak akan binasa?"

Fa-akalaa minhaa fabadat lahumaa saw-aatuhumaa wathafiqaa yakhshifaani 'alayhimaa min waraqi ljannati wa'ashaa aadamu rabbahu faghawaa
[20:121] Then they both ate of it, so their evil inclinations became manifest to them, and they both began to cover themselves with leaves of the garden, and Adam disobeyed his Lord, so his life became evil (to him).
[20:121] Maka keduanya memakan dari buah pohon itu, lalu nampaklah bagi keduanya aurat-auratnya dan mulailah keduanya menutupinya dengan daun-daun (yang ada di) surga, dan durhakalah Adam kepada Tuhan dan sesatlah ia.

Tsumma ijtabaahu rabbuhu fataaba 'alayhi wahadaa
[20:122] Then his Lord chose him, so He turned to him and guided (him).
[20:122] Kemudian Tuhannya memilihnya maka Dia menerima taubatnya dan memberinya petunjuk.

Qaala ihbithaa minhaa jamii'an ba'dhukum liba'dhin 'aduwwun fa-immaa ya/tiyannakum minnii hudan famani ittaba'a hudaaya falaa yadhillu walaa yasyqaa
[20:123] He said: Get forth you two therefrom, all (of you), one of you (is) enemy to another. So there will surely come to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, he shall not go astray nor be unhappy;
[20:123] Allah berfirman: "Turunlah kamu berdua dari surga bersama-sama, sebagian kamu menjadi musuh bagi sebagian yang lain. Maka jika datang kepadamu petunjuk daripada-Ku, lalu barangsiapa yang mengikut petunjuk-Ku, ia tidak akan sesat dan tidak akan celaka.

Waman a'radha 'an dzikrii fa-inna lahu ma'iisyatan dhankaa wanahsyuruhu yawma lqiyaamati a'maa
[20:124] And whoever turns away from My reminder, his shall be a straightened life, and We will raise him on the day of resurrection, blind.
[20:124] Dan barangsiapa berpaling dari peringatan-Ku, maka sesungguhnya baginya penghidupan yang sempit, dan Kami akan menghimpunkannya pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan buta".

Qaala rabbi lima hasyartanii a'maa waqad kuntu bashiiraa
[20:125] He shall say: My Lord! why hast Thou raised me blind and I was a seeing one indeed?
[20:125] Berkatalah ia: "Ya Tuhanku, mengapa Engkau menghimpunkan aku dalam keadaan buta, padahal aku dahulunya adalah seorang yang melihat?"

Qaala kadzaalika atatka aayaatunaa fanasiitahaa wakadzaalika lyawma tunsaa
[20:126] He will say: Even so, Our communications came to you but you neglected them; even thus shall you be forsaken this day.
[20:126] Allah berfirman: "Demikianlah, telah datang kepadamu ayat-ayat Kami, maka kamu melupakannya, dan begitu (pula) pada hari ini kamupun dilupakan".

Wakadzaalika najzii man asrafa walam yu/min bi-aayaati rabbihi wala'adzaabu l-aakhirati asyaddu wa-abqaa
[20:127] And thus do We recompense him who is extravagant and does not believe in the communications of his Lord, and certainly the chastisement of the hereafter is severer and more
[20:127] Dan demikianlah Kami membalas orang yang melampaui batas dan tidak percaya kepada ayat-ayat Tuhannya. Dan sesungguhnya azab di akhirat itu lebih berat dan lebih kekal.

Afalam yahdi lahum kam ahlaknaa qablahum mina lquruuni yamsyuuna fii masaakinihim inna fii dzaalika laaayaatin li-ulii nnuhaa
[20:128] Does it not then direct them aright how many of the generations In whose dwelling-places they go about We destroyed before them? Most surely there are signs in this for those endowed with understanding.
[20:128] Maka tidakkah menjadi petunjuk bagi mereka (kaum musyrikin) berapa banyaknya Kami membinasakan umat-umat sebelum mereka, padahal mereka berjalan (di bekas-bekas) tempat tinggal umat-umat itu? Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang yang berakal.

Walawlaa kalimatun sabaqat min rabbika lakaana lizaaman wa-ajalun musammaa
[20:129] And had there not been a word (that had) already gone forth from your Lord and an appointed term, it would surely have been made to cleave (to them).
[20:129] Dan sekiranya tidak ada suatu ketetapan dari Allah yang telah terdahulu atau tidak ada ajal yang telah ditentukan, pasti (azab itu) menimpa mereka.

Fashbir 'alaa maa yaquuluuna wasabbih bihamdi rabbika qabla thuluu'i sysyamsi waqabla ghuruubihaa wamin aanaa-illayli fasabbih wa-athraafa nnahaari la'allaka tardaa
[20:130] Bear then patiently what they say, and glorify your Lord by the praising of Him before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during hours of the night do also glorify (Him) and during parts of the day, that you may be well pleased
[20:130] Maka sabarlah kamu atas apa yang mereka katakan, dan bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu, sebelum terbit matahari dan sebelum terbenamnya dan bertasbih pulalah pada waktu-waktu di malam hari dan pada waktu-waktu di siang hari, supaya kamu merasa senang,

Walaa tamuddanna 'aynayka ilaa maa matta'naa bihi azwaajan minhum zahrata lhayaati ddunyaa linaftinahum fiihi warizqu rabbika khayrun wa-abqaa
[20:131] And do not stretch your eyes after that with which We have provided different classes of them, (of) the splendor of this world's life, that We may thereby try them; and the sustenance (given) by your Lord is better and more abiding.
[20:131] Dan janganlah kamu tujukan kedua matamu kepada apa yang telah Kami berikan kepada golongan-golongan dari mereka, sebagai bunga kehidupan dunia untuk Kami cobai mereka denganya. Dan karunia Tuhan kamu adalah lebih baik dan lebih kekal.

Wa/mur ahlaka bishshalaati wasthabir 'alayhaa laa nas-aluka rizqan nahnu narzuquka wal'aaqibatu littaqwaa
[20:132] And enjoin prayer on your followers, and steadily adhere to it; We do not ask you for subsistence; We do give you subsistence, and the (good) end is for guarding (against evil).
[20:132] Dan perintahkanlah kepada keluargamu mendirikan shalat dan bersabarlah kamu dalam mengerjakannya. Kami tidak meminta rezeki kepadamu, Kamilah yang memberi rezeki kepadamu. Dan akibat (yang baik) itu adalah bagi orang yang bertakwa.

Waqaaluu lawlaa ya/tiinaa bi-aayatin min rabbihi awa lam ta/tihim bayyinatu maa fii shshuhufi l-uulaa
[20:133] And they say: Why does he not bring to us a sign from his Lord? Has not there come to them a clear evidence of what is in the previous books?
[20:133] Dan mereka berkata: "Mengapa ia tidak membawa bukti kepada kami dari Tuhannya?" Dan apakah belum datang kepada mereka bukti yang nyata dari apa yang tersebut di dalam kitab-kitab yang dahulu?

Walaw annaa ahlaknaahum bi'adzaabin min qablihi laqaaluu rabbanaa lawlaa arsalta ilaynaa rasuulan fanattabi'a aayaatika min qabli an nadzilla wanakhzaa
[20:134] And had We destroyed them with chastisement before this, they would certainly have said: O our Lord! why didst Thou not send to us an apostle, for then we should have followed Thy communications before that we met disgrace and shame.
[20:134] Dan sekiranya Kami binasakan mereka dengan suatu azab sebelum Al Qur'an itu (diturunkan), tentulah mereka berkata: "Ya Tuhan kami, mengapa tidak Engkau utus seorang rasul kepada kami, lalu kami mengikuti ayat-ayat Engkau sebelum kami menjadi hina dan rendah?"

Qul kullun mutarabbishun fatarabbashuu fasata'lamuuna man ash-haabu shshiraathi ssawiyyi wamani ihtadaa
[20:135] Say: Every one (of us) is awaiting, therefore do await: So you will come to know who is the follower of the even path and who goes aright.
[20:135] Katakanlah: "Masing-masing (kita) menanti, maka nantikanlah oleh kamu sekalian! Maka kamu kelak akan mengetahui, siapa yang menempuh jalan yang lurus dan siapa yang telah mendapat petunjuk".

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There are 135 verses in Surah Thaahaa (Thaha)

Tags: Thaahaa (Thaha), Al-Quran Karim and Multilingual Interpretation, Pts-ptn, shall no intercession avail except of him whom the Beneficent God allows and whose word He is pleased with, QS, Thaahaa (Thaha) [20] : verse 110 [20:110] He knows what is before them and what is behind them while they do not comprehend it in knowledge, QS, Thaahaa (Thaha) [20] : verse 111 [20:111] And the faces shall be humbled before the Living the Self subsistent God and he who bears iniquity is indeed a failure, QS, Thaahaa (Thaha) [20] : verse 112 [20:112] And whoever does good works and he is a believer he shall have no fear of injustice nor of the withholding of his due, QS, Thaahaa (Th, justice and welfare faith, pts-ptn.net
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20. Thaahaa -- 135
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Kelas Karyawan Brochure
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Kelas Karyawan Brochure

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Kelas Karyawan Brochure
Java and Bali

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West Java

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Kelas Karyawan Brochure

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Kelas Karyawan Brochure

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Regular Program Brochure
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National Calendar 2023
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Collection of UN & PTN
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"New Breakthrough" Book
Strategies to Increase Revenue
PTS, Quality Education
& Resources PTS

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New Solution
Strategies Increase
PTS revenue,
PTS Education Quality,
and PTS Resources
Full information, click

Employment Opportunity

PT. Gilland Ganesha

  • Design Grafis
  • Senior Programmer

Detailed information visit:
Employment Opportunity

Young cat, brushing teeth cat, tips to cat can more spoiled, etc.
155 types of cats

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